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O:-Gaurii,,what happened jaan? Why are you crying!!

She didnt dare to look at him,,all she was doing was hugging him as much tight she could,and crying under him.

O:- Gauri,,did i do anything wrong? Pls stop crying jaan (his voice was shaking)

She looked at him with her tearful eyes,,she was the one harming him,still how could he ask that?

She swiped away her tears and cuped his face .

G:-Nothing omkaraji,,i was missing my family!!
Let me be alone for sometime. You be here with bhavya!

Saying this ,she excuses to their room.

As soon she entered the room,,she was crying hard,,an unknown guilt was eating her up !

She composed herself and started to search for any clue,that would help her reach the truth.
Not getting any specific clue,she thought to serch in his private room.

But just when she was about to leave the room,Om entered.

O:-Gauri,,where are you going?? Do you need something ?? was ..i..water...going to kitchen for water.

Om held her shoulder and took her to bed

O:-You sit here,,i will bring water for you.You seems to be so tired,,take rest!!

She wished hard,if situations were different.How can someone be this caring and lovable.She wanted to be with him forever,,which unfortunately she couldnt.

Om brought water for her. When he was about to leave,she stopped him by holding his hand.

O:-What happened need anythimg else?

G:-Can u be with me for sometime.

Omkara was soo happy to hear that.It was the first time she asking him some time with her.

He sat beside her.

O:-You are fine right?? Is anything bothering you??

She hugged him,,and rested her chest on his chest,,surprising him.

G:-I'm fine Omkaraji,,just wanted to be with you for sometime.

He was happy with her answer.he hugged her back..she was feeling comfortable with him.

G:-(in mind) I dont know where i'm leading to,,bt since all this drama will end soon,,atleast till then,,let me love you,,the way you love me,,i know it will be hard for me now, to execute my plan,being like this,,Bt still i will bear that pain for the rest of my life.Because I cant Stop myself in falling love with you!!!

She hugged him more!!


Monday Morning

O:-Gauri,,Take care of yourself,,call me if anything happens..a are telling me all these for the nth time..I will call you,promise.

O:-Bye gauri,,all the best!! (He hugged her and placed a kiss on her forhead)

G:-Bye omkaraji..

B:-Bhabhi ,,one min..take this prasad,,first day in office right? All the best.

G:-Thank u bhavu..and you take care too!

She hugged her,,and left to office.


Ok I know I am late as always,,and know that this imone is a short update too!

Your comments are what encourages me and make me feel that you truly are excited to read it!So pls let me know your views through comments.

Will try my best to update soon!

With lots of love,

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