Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

"Five days," Alex had said. "They'll announce it on game night."

Midnight on game night was the deadline. Kara and Lena had barely talked to anyone else the past couple of hours but Alex was positive it would happen.

"I'm winning. A hundred percent." Maggie now replied, grabbed a throw pillow and hit her girlfriend with it.

"It's your turn to roll, idiot." Alex grabbed the same pillow and smacked Maggie in the face.

Lena tapped Kara on the shoulder lightly as she walked past her in the kitchen. Kara blushed when she realized Lena was on the other side of her.

"Let me." Lena held out her hand for the dishes.

Kara shook her head sharply. "No way! Enjoy your night off."

They were standing so close that their sleeves brushed against each other. Lena could feel the static between them and she momentarily forgot why she was even in the kitchen in the first place.

Kara wiped her right hand and sneakily wrapped it around Lena's waist. She looked around, trying to act subtle, and her fingers tapped against Lena teasingly.

Lena tried to act like nothing was happening and reached into a cupboard for a mug. She held it in her hands awkwardly, unsure of what to do. They tried to not look suspicious but it didn't help that they were both standing unusually still.

Kara had somehow pulled them so close that they were pressed against each other. Her fingers lifted up Lena's shirt slowly and she placed them on her warm skin. She traced circles on Lena's stomach gently and felt consumed by her body heat. She felt Lena take in a sharp breath when Kara tugged at the waistband of her jeans, but she didn't move further than that. She stayed like that for a minute, both unmoving.

"Hey, we're heading out." Nia suddenly called out, pointing to Brainy and J'onn.

Kara immediately dropped her hand and Lena distanced them, both of their faces flushed. Kara glanced at the clock and was shocked that it was just past midnight.

"Oh, I'm going, too." Maggie spoke up, grabbing her coat.

Kara glanced at her sister questioningly but Alex shook her head. "I need to talk to you first."

Maggie and Alex exchanged a look, both of them trying to contain a smile.

"Um, I should get going, too." Lena said, finally putting down the oversized mug.

She winked at Kara when she saw the disappointment across her face. She followed the rest of the group out of the apartment after grabbing her own coat. Kara seemed to be in a trance as she watched Lena walk out but she snapped out of it when she heard her sister clear her throat dramatically.

"Oh," Kara said. "What was it that you wanted to tell me?"

Alex's face scrunched up, thinking of what she wanted to say first. "Actually, I have more than one thing to talk to you about."

Kara pouted at the sisterly tone. "What was that look between Maggie and you?"

Alex dropped onto the couch, grabbing a half-empty bag of chips. "Nevermind that. I'll get to it later."

Kara waited for her to continue, growing impatient when Alex stuffed a mouthful of barbecue chips into her mouth.

"Okay, so." Alex finally swallowed. "You lost me twenty bucks."

Kara laughed, still not quite understanding what she meant. "What was the bet?"

Alex almost smacked herself in the face. "God, Kara. How- you know what? Never mind. I bet Maggie that you and Lena would announce you finally got together by midnight tonight."

Kara felt her cheeks heat up. She thought she was being subtle with Lena. Kara was going to tell Alex, but only after talking to Lena about it first.

"I mean," Kara started talking faster. "We went on one date. Well, one official date. So I guess we are together together, but I just... I wanted to talk to her before I told you, I swear! I guess I'm just kind of clueless."

Alex understood what she meant but she snorted at the last part. "Kind of? Kara, honey, you're more oblivious than a certain Sherlock Holmes impersonator."

Kara couldn't help but laugh.

Maggie, being a detective, had a Sherlock Holmes phase. When she was around the age of eight, she would dress up as him whenever she could and pretend she was a famous crime solver.

"For some reason, I went up to a boy in the playground and knighted him with a branch. I wanted him to be the Watson to my Sherlock." Maggie had laughed, recalling the story. "The boy must've been at least fourteen and he looked at me like I was crazy. He even called me some names but I still followed him for the entire day."

"Okay, fine." Kara admitted now. "Maybe I'm very clueless about stuff like this. To be fair, I never knew what sexualities were until I came to Earth. Kryptonians just loved whoever they wanted, no matter who it was. It confused me when I first got here. All of the girls at school always went out with boys so I followed what they did to fit in."

Alex nodded. She had done the same when she was younger, only finally understanding her own feelings a few years ago.

"But after you told me you realized you loved girls the way you're supposed to feel about boys, I realized I had feelings for Lena." Kara smiled weakly at her sister. "You helped me realize it was okay to fall in love with whoever I wanted."

Alex rubbed at her eyes, trying not to cry. She leaned into her sister, wrapping her arm around her.

"I love you." Kara said firmly, her voice full of emotion.

"Stop trying to make me cry." Alex groaned, furiously wiping away her tears.

They sat like that for a while, just holding each other and being there for each other like they always had. Kara thought Alex must've fallen asleep but she suddenly sat up and looked at her.

"I need to go soon or Maggie will make me sleep on the couch," Alex joked. "But I do need to tell you something."

Her eyes glimmered in the dim lights and Kara's heart rate picked up from excitement.

"I... proposed." Alex said, her mouth curving up into a smile.

"Oh my god!" Kara jumped up, her mouth hanging open.

"And..." Alex slowly continued. "She said yes!"

"Oh my god!" Kara screamed and grabbed Alex to hug her.

Alex let her calm down a bit before telling her it wasn't planned, which was why Maggie didn't have a ring. They had been laying in bed, ready to go to sleep, when Maggie started talking about how terrible the guy she had to fight to keep in cuffs was.

"Can you believe the guy didn't even know how to properly hold a gun?" Maggie had said. "Who doesn't know how to hold a gun?"

Alex slowly turned to look at her and something clicked. She proposed right then and there, knowing it was probably the only thing that she would never regret in her life.

"You make me love love." Maggie had told her after she accepted the proposal, wiping away her tears. "You make me want to stay for all of the cheesy stuff. And I know I will never regret any of it."

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