Chapter 15: Dealing with Hades

Start from the beginning

"Any idea what that green stuff is down there?" Heisuke asks, pointing to what's below us.

We all look down, seeing how there's something weird in the water. Chibi starts to whimper, not liking what he sees. If nothing else, he looks scared, which makes me wonder what that green stuff is exactly.

"Is that...people?!" Mieu exclaims, scarred, then flies to hide behind Luke.

"Well, it is the underworld," Okita points out, looking disgusted from the sight.

"Guess this is where everyone in this world ends up, once they've died," says Harada.

"No wonder Chibi's scared. He can probably tell that that green stuff down there is the souls of the dead, and it takes a lot to make him scared," I say, stroking the wolf's head, hoping to help calm him down.

"Let's hurry up and find Hades!" Donald exclaims, obviously scared.

We cross the stone bridges, while fighting Heartless along the way. By the time we finally reached the other side, there are a pair of opened doors, with a staircase leading up. Thinking that this might be where Hades lives, we climb up the stairs.

(3rd) POV:

In the center of Hades' chamber, a green vortex swirls around on the floor. The table he had used to be there, to cover it up, is now removed.

"By the by, uh...What's down there?" Pete asks nervously.

"Just the Underworld's deepest dungeon," Hades simply answers. "This time I'm bringing out the mother of all bad guys."

Pete turns his attention towards Hades, noticing the look the Lord of the Underworld is making as he stares down at the abyss. Seeing how scary Hades looks right now, Pete couldn't help but flinch.

"You don't say?" Pete asks, backing away from Hades. "Well...maybe I should go."

Hades makes a flame appear in both of his hands, and then hurls the flames into the swirling abyss. An explosion is created, followed by black smoke. In this smoke is a man, who slowly lands safely on his feet as the swirling abyss disappears, reverting back into a regular floor. Hades laughs, pleased by what he sees.

"Let's cut to the chase. Here's the deal I'm gonna offer you. I let you out of the slammer--no strings--you'll be free as a bird," Hades says. The man he is speaking to turns his attention towards Pete, who nervously waves to him, still scared. "And all for one little job. Fight Hercules, in the the death!"

The man sneers at Hades with disdain. "This is my story. And you're not part of it," he says, readying his sword.

"Did you forget who you're talking to?" Hades questions with anger, not pleased with the situation. "I am the Lord of the Dead!"

"No wonder no one wants to die," the man says with a smirk.

The man's words fuel Hades' anger. "You are FIRED!" he yells, his entire body burning with red hot fury.

Hades charges at the man, who blocks the attack with his blade.

(Harmony's) POV:

I'm not sure what was going on before we arrived. But when we do arrive, we see Hades in a heated battle with someone.

"Hades!" Donald exclaims.

"That's him?" Saito asks.

"The one and only," Luke says.

Kingdom Hearts 2: 2nd sequel to the Legendary 8th Princess of HeartWhere stories live. Discover now