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After Jack and Janiyah ate their dinner, they quickly left to enjoy an actual party. Here, everyone danced, drank beer, laughed, sang loudly to the songs in the background and just had a great time. It was such a difference from the silent dinner tables in where the first-class ate. That was just awkward, and plain boring.

Janiyah watched as Jack danced with a sweet little girl, Cora was her name. Janiyah wanted to get on the dance floor, but she wasn't exactly the best at dancing, that was one thing she could admit. Basic dance moves were all she knew but that's it. She'd never thought of learning to really dance, she would be busy in other activities such as trying to keep enough money to stay alive.

Tommy and Fabrizio were there as well. Tommy slid across the table to Janiyah sat at a tall glass filled to the brim with stout, which she gladly gulped down almost instantly. It'd been a while since she'd have a drink.

"I'm gonna go dance with her, okay?" Jack said to the little girl, pointing at Janiyah as soon as the song finished, and a slower, familiar song came on but Janiyah couldn't remember the name of. "You're still my best girl, Cora."

Cora walked off, probably to go find her parents. Jack stepped over to Janiyah, grabbing ahold of her hand and pulling her to the dance floor. "No, no, no, Jack," she tried to pull back. "I'm not a good dancer, I can't."

"It's okay, just follow me lead," he said, placing Janiyah's hand on his shoulder as he slid his hand to the small of her back, taking her other hand in his. He smiled, "This is my favorite song."

Now she recognized the song, it was a fairly new one that had been released recently. Moonlight Bay by Doris Day. "I don't know the steps to it."

"Just move with me," he insisted as they both sway back and forth to the music. "Don't think."

"Wait, give me a second," she pulled away from him, taking off her heels so she could dance easier. The two were still in their first-class clothes since they hadn't found the time to change back into their ordinary clothing. Only Jack had taken off his suit, showing off the suspenders that just fit him so well.

Then they brought each other back together, Jack guiding her to move with the music in the background. Soon after the song finished came a more energetic one. By that time Janiyah had gained enough confidence and continued dancing with Jack. They danced for as long as they wanted, pulling away eventually.

Jack caught sight of his friend, Fabrizio, dancing with a woman as well. "How you doing?" He asked as the music finished, and Fabrizio and the woman walked together towards Jack, holding hands, a wide grin on his face.

"I don't know what she say, she don't know what I say, so we get along fine." Fabrizio replied with his Italian accent.

Janiyah comes back to Jack, holding two pints of beer in her hand which Tommy had just given her. She hands one to Jack, both of them gulping it down easily, although Janiyah finished it off first. All of a sudden, she felt a cold liquid splash onto her, her fancy dress stained in beer. Somebody had bumped into Tommy, causing him to spill his drink all over Janiyah, but she didn't mind, she just laughed. It didn't matter, it wasn't even her own dress.

Moonlight Bay ━━ 𝘑𝘈𝘊𝘒 𝘋𝘈𝘞𝘚𝘖𝘕.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat