"Mia, stop..."

"You know that Beyoncé song? I don't know much about algebra but I know 1 + 1 equals two? Well, I want 1+1, so you and me, to equal 1. I want us together. Together."

He just stared at me like I was nuts. Then a smile spread across his face but he quickly hid it.

He cleared his throat.

"I don't think this is exactly the place or time ..."

"Are you saying no to me?" I exclaimed. "This is the second time I am offering and I don't think you will get the third chance!"

"Well, it is not my fault if your offers always come at such bad times, Mia," he smiled. "Otherwise, trust me, I wouldn't have second thoughts. How much have you drank?"

"Are you saying I am drunk? Because I am not, I am totally not, I can totally name all the princes of Belgium – Prince Laurent, Prince Lorenz ..."

"Just the fact that you are happily reciting the family trees of royal families tells me you are not sober," Michael laughed.

Really. Thank god I have a boyfriend who does not let me lose my virginity while being drunk.

I am so embarrassed. I am totally gonna tear the pages out of my diary and burn them.

How am I gonna face Michael now?

Sunday, December 29, 12 am

Michael was already in the dining room when I got there for breakfast. He winked at me when I sat down next to him, trying to look cool and collected while my heart was beating like crazy.

"Mia, what is a langur?" was the first thing dad said to me from behind the paper.

"An endangered animal," I said.

"Well, I should have known," sighed Dad and turned the page in his paper.

As I was buttering the slice of bread (wanna bet Grandmere mentioned the special pancakes Pierre made for Michael and me yesterday?) I suddenly got this great idea.

"Dad, do you think I could mention langurs in my speech on Tuesday? You, know. The one for the animal shelter?" I asked.

"You do not to be that specific," said Grandmere, "lord forbid you had more than more speech! And absolutely not! Just say what the press team has prepared for you and say nothing more!"

"I am with your grandmother on this one," said Dad and took a sip of coffee, "I am sure langurs or however they are called are lovely animals and have many people fighting for them. You fight for Genovia's stray cats and that's more than enough."

This is what you get when you are not depressed any longer. A year ago, Dad would probably call zoos all over the globe to find one that had a langur and was willing to lend it to us for the day of the speech so that I could let the world know of the endangered species. Just so that I wouldn't be cooped up in my room, eating leftovers from dinner.

"The last thing we need is another parking meters debacle," said Grandmere.

Which is totally unfair. I know how much money Genovia earned from them.

"I don't see how mentioning an endangered species could cause a debacle," I said.

"Just read what has been prepared for you, Mia," sighed Dad.

And what has been prepared for me is:

Animals, our pets, are always there for us. When we are sad, they comfort us, when we are happy, they make us happier. Every time we get home, they are happy to see us. They never let us down.

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