Chapter Fifteen

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Sunday, December 29, 11 am

I am gonna kill René.

I know that in the end, it is me that says ok, but why does he keep putting me in embarrassing situations?

He should know that I do not tolerate alcohol that well!

Oh, it did stop me from crying. It did out me in a good mood. In such a good mood, actually, that I started laughing at some statistical jokes René told me, even though I had no idea what he was talking about. I mean, just the fact that I am finding anything to do with numbers so incredibly funny is a clear indicator I am not totally rational.

I mean, sober.

Actually, everything went just fine until I got back to my room around 2 in the morning. And it was as if the cocktails had erased my most recent memories – you know, the langurs and my terrible genes – because I suddenly started thinking of my boyfriend.

Who was on the other side of the wall.

Who was only one climb over a balcony away.

And who smelt so nice.

Or something. I don't even know what I was thinking. If I even was capable of thinking anything. I seriously doubt that I truly was intoxicated when I decided to dye my hair orange. Because the hair color was like the last thing on my mind as I got onto the balcony and climbed onto the Michael's.

Or at least attempted to. It was kind of .... Well, difficult. It felt like the whole earth was shaking.

Well, at least I didn't go screaming EARTHQUAKE like Grandpa in Freaky Friday.

Apparently I produced enough noise to wake Michael up.

"Mia?" he said with a worried voice as he opened the balcony door.

"Michael," I said and threw my arms around him.

"Mia, are you ok?" he said breaking the embrace.

"Yeah, yeah ... René took me down to the beach. We drank some because I was upset."

"Yeah, Vigo told me you were upset about something but had no idea what..."

"Langurs! I was upset about langurs! I mean I am upset over them! Do you know they are critically endangered? Do you know they are dying out as we speak?" I exclaimed.

Michael looked at me with a frown.

"I didn't know that. I will make sure I'll keep them in mind, though. Mia..."

"We have to do something!" I shouted. "We have to save them, I mean ... they are just soooo cute!"

"I'll take your word for that."

"You know what's also cute?" I said and wrapped my hands around his neck again. It smelt so nice. And he was so cute with his messy hair.

"A few things come to mind but I don't think you mean any of them," he smiled at me.

"You," I said, "you are soooo cute."

"Mia, I think you are a bit..." he grinned.

But I didn't let him finish.

"And you know what? I want you," I said in the most seductive voice I could master.

"What?" he looked totally puzzled, which, I mean, says a lot about my skills when it comes to seduction.

"I've been wanting you for a long time now ... and now you are here ... and I want you."

And I kissed him. Only that he broke the kiss almost immediately.

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