Chapter Twelve

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Friday, December 27, later

**Those Romantic Movie/TV Reunions That Leave You Wishing It Would Happen To You Too**

1. The Notebook - Noah waking up to a sound of a car stopping. As he looks through the window, Allie only shrugs, then runs into his embrace.

2. In While You Were Sleeping - while Lucy is at work, Jack places an engagement ring in the token tray of her booth. She lets him into the booth, and with the entire Callaghan family watching, he proposes to her.

3. Cold Mountain – Inman is silently standing in front of Ada who is pointing a gun at him before she realizes her wishes have come true and her One True Love has come back to her.

4. The Lake House - clutching onto the mailbox stand, Kate is sure she was too late, but then the mailbox flag lowers; Alex has picked up her note. Soon, she sees a vehicle arriving and then a figure walking toward her. It is Alex. They walk toward each other. Kate says, "You waited!" She and Alex kiss, then walk toward the lake house.

5. Titanic. When Rose jumps off the rescue boat and goes back on the doomed ship to be with Jack [ok, I don't want the sinking part to happen to me. I am talking about that ''with you or not at all'' part]

6. Veronica Mars. She goes to see him on the porch and he asks if she's ok. She just nods and gives him a quick kiss. And his eyes widen and it is a moment he has been dreaming of for so long and ... he pulls her closer and ... yeah. [They sooooo need to hook up in the movie!]

7. Any Buffy kiss. There is just so much intensity in those kisses!

And we dream and daydream about these scenes, thinking of how we would handle them. Things we would say and how that movie kiss would feel like.

But when they do happen to you ...

Well, it is not as easy as it looks, you know, running into his arms, in the pouring rain, with the emotional musical arrangement in the background. I kind of doubt that my reunion with Michael would make anyone cry.

Mainly because I didn't run into his embrace. We didn't kiss and pretty much the only noise was Grandmere screaming somewhere in the distance: 'first it was the tree, then the wedding gown and now the hair! I won't survive losing the palace, I won't! Sidecar! Somebody get me a Sidecar!'

I just stood there, staring at him and ... well, that was the moment when decided I would never ever run away or drink again because clearly it has bad side effects. Because it was not real. It could not be real. It was a very serious vow I made to myself so, yeah, there kind of wasn't any time left for a breathless kiss.

Really, movies make everything look so easy but actually, so many other things are way more plausible than the actual reunion. For once, I am convinced running into his arms would end with her heel breaking. If there indeed was rain, one of them would most likely slip in the puddle.

Oh, and of course, she would pretty much single-handedly kill the romantic mood with her babbling.

Trust me, I experienced it myself.

Michael walked up to me with a big smile on his face. And I was too caught up with, well, everything, to even have my knees weaken like they do every time he smiles like that.

Yes, that how serious I was about never drinking again.

"Merry belated Christmas," he said.

Which, you know, would be like the best thing to say back but nooo, when was I ever sane?

"Mi ... Mi ...What ... What are you doing here?"

And then I wonder why Grandmere doesn't let me talk on national TV of a country whose princess I am?

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