Chapter Six

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Sunday, December 22, Day One in Genovia

Is the life of a princess supposed to be exciting?

Well, right now it is mainly boring.

And tiring.

About an hour before we landed in Genovia, Grandmere finally realized that the airplane air won't get rid of dark circles under my eyes and told her personal beautician #2 (who has two beauticians at hand at any given moment? This isn't normal) to 'take care of that'. So the beautician went through her bag, found some super corrector and un, deux, trios, my face actually looked like it got 8 hours of sleep.

Then Grandmere cursed the pilots because they ordered her to put on the safety belt during landing (do you know who I am, young man? I am the princess of Genovia and I do not take orders from anyone! Change that tone or I'll get you fired on spot!).

And after we finally landed (10 minute delay because ... well, let's just say we had a troublesome passenger), we ascended the stairs and smiled and waved at the reporters who gathered around the jet to welcome the royal family home. Francois appeared next to me and guided me to the parked limo when a glass of apple juice was waiting for me and a Sidecar for Grandmere.

Streets of Genovia were full of people who wanted to catch a glimpse of their princesses. So we rolled down the windows and waved at them too. I swear, one lady fainted when Grandmere screamed out that she loved her scarf (why would anyone want to be complimented by Grandmere? Why? It usually means you are wearing to much purple or are indirectly supporting killing animals for clothing).

Thirty minutes later we finally reached the palace. As usual, the front door was occupied by tourists and thanks to wind they got a picture of Princess Mia having a bad hair day.

As we entered the palace, we were greeted by Dad (new girlfriend – TV broadcaster from Netherlands. Very tall, skinny, blond and most likely below average intelligence).

Vigo, of course, was there too (Princess, you look even taller than the last time I saw you! Oh, thank you, Vigo. That is just what I wanted to hear - that I am no longer s toothpick; no, now I am an XXL toothpick!). He handed me a schedule of my Christmas holidays. I just put it into my diary. I learnt something on the previous three Christmases here – they are never fun.

Then Sebastiano ran towards me. He screamed out (in translated version – he is still forgetting to say the last syllables) that the scarf I had on brought out the color of my face beautifully and that the lipstick made my lips look bigger (Grandmere looked like she just had a synaptic attack). He was just about to start talking about Andrew's wedding when luckily René came from around the corner and pushed him out of the way so that he too could hug me.

And after Grandmere went looking for someone to bathe her dog, René whispered if I was looking forward to Andrew's wedding.

"René, you know I can't go!"

"Can't is only a state of mind," he grinned at me, "of course you're going, we all are; Harry already booked his flight."

"Grandmere will kill me!" I exclaimed.

"Don't be funny; who'd she torture if she did that?" he winked at me.

I told you. There's always trouble when he's around.

Before I could protest any further, Grandmere came rushing towards me again.

"Amelia, as much as it is nice to see dear René again after such a long time, it is time for you to get dressed. Arne and his dear nephew Kjetil are already waiting in the salon for us!" she exclaimed. Her cheeks were totally red. Yes, my grandmother's cheeks were red because she was about to see a certain man.

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