The kitchen was a complete mess. Empty bottles of wine and beer scattered the worktops and leftover pizza boxes piled up on the dining room tables. Looks like I'm cleaning this up too...

I noticed that Harvey was no where to be seen so it looks like I picked the short straw with dealing with the chaos from the night before.

As I turned on the washing machine and began cleaning up the kitchen, my Dad appeared well rested.

Huh, looks like it was just Mum who decided to go on a bender.

"Morning Eli." He greeted, wrapping his arms around my Mum's waist and snuggling into the back of her.

Her face completely lit up and she spun around in his grip, swaying still from being intoxicated.

I will admit, they were cute together. They'd been married for nearly 10 years and still acted like teenagers in love. It was welcoming to see that relationships can work for years and years.

Luckily, my Dad managed to hold his wife's attention long enough for me to be able to clean the kithcne without being distracted.

Putting the kettle on, I set out two mugs with some sugar and coffee in both and left them next to the kettle for my Dad to finish making for himself and Mum.

"Thanks Eli." He winked at me, pulling my Mum to the sofa as she rambled about a blue pair of shoes that she saw in Milan and that she regretted not buying.

"Good luck." I laughed a little as she flopped down onto the couch.

Locking myself away back in my room, I shook my head at my parents acting like teenagers and began tidying up my last few things.

The rest of my day went relitively smoothly. I heard my Dad manage to convince my Mum to have a nap so there wasn't as much noise coming from the front room.

I submitted my details for the next dance that Leo and I are competing in. This time we're travelling to London for a big-time competition.

It wasn't necessary for us to win it, as we had already been scouted for the scholarship in America, but it would be nice to have another victory under out belts.

I knew Leo had already submitted his since his Mum practically forced him to as soon as he got home from the competition, whereas I decided to focus on my exams first before putting in the application.

There wasn't a time limit on it since it was next year so we had plenty of time to learn a new dance and perfect the choreography.

Before I knew it, 5 o'clock came around and I started getting myself ready for the dance.

It started at like 7, but I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to make up and I still haven't decided what to do with my hair.

Do I straighten it? Curl it? Shave it all off and just turn up bald?

The third option seems to be the most likely.

Part of me kinda wished that my Mum was still awake to help me wth my make up but since she would probably still be drunk, it wouldn't have gone down well.

Plugging in my phone to my speakers, I put on Halsey's newest album and began going through my make up box, fishing out all the things I think I would need.

I ended up with a bottle of foundation, concealer, an eyebrow pencil, powder, mascara, an eyeshadow pallet, eyeliner and some fake eyelashes.

Even just staring at the fake eyelashes, I knew I probably wasn't going to end up putting them on. An attempt will be made though.

Ballet With The Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now