Moonlit Scars (Eridan x Reader)

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For Nepeta_Vantas

So sorry it took so long! I had a speech and an essay and auditions and arggh.

Enter name: your name is YN.

You lay in your bed (you're a human, but you have troll friends) all alone, in the dark, and thought over the events of the past day, week, even month. You felt as though there was a heavy weight on your chest. You'd been that way for a while. it felt like no one cared about you, like no one would miss you when you were gone. Especially painful was the fact that none of your moirails had noticed how much you were hurting, nor had they seen the occasional yet ever-threatening scars that adorned your wrists. Instead, they gradually had started to exclude you, until you heard them talking about how much fun they had had on excursions that you hadn't been invited on.

You closed your eyes. A single tear squeezed out from one eye and rolled down your cheek, glistening in the faded moonlight filtering in through the blinds on your window. Sighing, you got up and pulled up said blinds and gazed out the window past a few dimly lit streets to the vast, dark, beautiful turmoil that was the sea. You absolutely loved the sea, but you rarely got to enjoy it because your parents were very strict and didn't often let you do things such as swimming or leisurely strolls. However, they were away on a business trip this weekend, leaving you and your depressed thoughts all to your self for the next few days.

You sighed. Since you couldn't sleep, and you were worried about what you would do to yourself if you stayed alone in the house with only your mind to keep you company, you decided to go on a much-needed walk out in the salty sea air.

Within a few minutes, you were out on the beach. Tugging off your shoes, you left them by a piece of driftwood and let the gritty sand squish between your toes. After walking for perhaps half an hour, you were startled by a voice.


"Feferi? You nearly scared me out of my skin!" Feferi had been one of the few friends you felt remained loyal to you.

She gave you a deep, searching look. "W)-(AT ARE YOU DOING GLUBBING AROUND BY YOURSE--LF?"

You looked down at your bare feet. "I just needed some time to think things over."

"W)-(AT KIND OF T)-(INGS?" You had no reply for this. "YN, LET ME SEE YOUR WRISTS."

Sighing, you held out your wrists for your moirail to see. There were a few new bandages in them, and Feferi noticed this. Her eyes grew sad as they stared into yours.

"I-I'm sorry-"


You HAD promised this. And now being reminded of this made you feel extremely guilty.

"I know, Fef. I'm really sorry. Can-can I make it up to you somehow?"


You nodded. You didn't know him very well, but you sure remembered him. He was really, really cute, if a bit emotional at times.


You agreed without much hesitation. You figured you owed it to Fef, anyway.

"T)-(ANK YOU SO GLUBBING MUC)-(, YN!" Your moirail said quite excitedly. "DO YOU MIND IF WE GO RIG)-(T AWAY? I'M REALLY WORRIED ABOUT )-(IM!"

"Sure", you answered. "I don't really have anywhere else to be."

"LET'S GO T)-(------EN!" With that, she ran along down the beach, her colorful skirt and long hair billowing out behind her as she giggled and jumped in and out of the surf. Even your previous bad mood couldn't keep you from smiling at her as you ran along after her, pausing briefly to grab your shoes from the shadow of the driftwood where you had left them before. After what you estimated to be about 15 minutes, you arrived at a larger fancy-looking purple house overlooking the beach. Imagine living there, you thought to yourself. Being able to see the beach from any window without any houses or roads in the way, and being able to have your toes in the sand as soon as you leave the door. Amazing. You and Feferi approached the door, her confidently and you a bit hesitantly. After all, you hadnt talked to this guy in what, 3 sweeps? But you trusted Feferi.

Reaching the door, she knocked boldly. Then the door opened and you found yourself face to face with the troll you remembered to be Eridan Ampora. Damn, he was even cuter than before; especially like this, tears streaming down his face, body shaking, eyes full of hopelessness and despair. You had been a bit flushed for him back in 6th grade, but you had thought that was gone now. Apparently not. You just wanted to hold him and tell him it would be okay, but you had known even back then that there was pretty much no chance he liked you. He always flirted with everyone but you. The memory sent a throb of sadness straight through your heart.

"YN?" He whimpered, breaking your thoughts.

"Hey, Eridan", you answered.


"I knoww exactly wwhy you brought her."

The cold edge to his voice surprised you enough to look up from your shoes which you had been staring at to avoid eye contact with Eridan.

"TO TALK WIT)-( YOU ABOUT STUFF!" Feferi could not be suppressed.

"Wwell, I suppose you should come in then, YN."

"BYE YOU GUYS!! )-(AVE FU----N!" With that she turned and began walking down the path back to the beach.

Ushering you inside, Eridan cast a dark glance back at her over his shoulder. You couldn't blame him. She really WAS done with him. A twinge of pity struck you, and you looked over at Eridan. His eyes were downcast. Even though he had stopped crying, his sadness was still apparent in them. Realizing you had been staring, you stopped and sat down next to him on a purple, fluffy couch where he currently sat, looking at a wall.

"Eridan", you began.

"She really hates me, doesn't she." He was crying again now, and he was so adorable. But you couldn't afford to think like that. You needed to cheer him up.

"Nah, she doesn't hate you. She just can't deal with you sometimes. It's not a bad thing. It just means you have character."

"Thars wwhat she told you to say."

"No, it's not! She didn't tell me to tell you anything!"

"Wwell, evven if she didn't say it, she wwas thinkin' it. I am so fucking DONE wwith life! I'll nevver find lovve, nobody likes me, especially not in a red kinda wway!"

"I like you."

"You're just sayin that, and evven if you're not, you don't mean it Ina red kinda wway."

Gathering up all of your nearly nonexistent self-comfidence and courage, you answered him. "Actually, I do mean it in a red way."

His jaw dropped. "R-really?"

You nodded, tears gathering now. "i understand that you probably don't return the feelings-"

You were cut off by him kissing you quickly on the mouth. Astonished, you looked up.

"Oh YN, I havve had the biggest flush-crush on you since elementary. But could you really be wwith me? I-I havve scars." Pushing up his sleeves, scarred and bloody wrists were revealed. Pushing up your own sleeves, you showed him your own bandages stained with your blood. The surprised look on his face turned to one of anguish. "YN, howw could you do that to yourself? You are wway too beautiful!" Overcome with tears, you looked down. Then his arms were around you. He pulled you onto his lap and snuggled you tight against him, nuzzling his face into your hair. "Wwil you be my matesprit?"

Nearly choking on tears, you answered. "Yes, Eridan." Then, wanting to make a move of your own, you turned around. Wrapping your legs arounf his waist, you kissed him deeply. He was a crazy good kisser. Pulling away at last, he asked you if you would stay with him that night. What could you do but agree? He led you up to his bed. "Don't try anything funny, Ampora", you warned him.

"I wwouldn't dream of it." Grinning, you pulled back the covers and snuggled against him, each feeling secure in the other's arms. You nuzzled into his neck. He smelled so good. Then you remembered something. Grabbing his wrist from where it had been wrapped around you, you pulled up his sleeve and kissed his scars and cuts. He gently lifted your chin so that your eyes met his. "YN, I lovve you so much. You are the swweetest thing in all of paradox space."

"Love you too, Eridan." with that said, you were on to his other wrist. You had barely finished when his hands were grabbing yours and he was kissing your cuts with impossibly soft lips. After he finished, you kissed him on the mouth again. You couldn't help it. After all, he was so adorably cute and sweet, and he was finally yours. Curling up against him, you spent the first of many, many nights safe in your new matesprit's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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