Strike: 1

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"I still feel like I should have gone in with them, I mean I don't normally like the idea of walking into a death trap but hiding out here with you is much more scary" Hunk replied with a nervous smile, glancing to the leader of the unit who stood beside him.

"Pidge please tell me you have hacked into the building and is currently spying on the suspects" James sighed not even giving a glance to Hunk or giving minds over his subordinates worries.

"Oh that why I'm in this building and here I was ordering us a pizza, damn no wonder they won't deliver to this address" Pidge sassed back over the coms making James roll his eyes over his clearly feisty subordinate.

"We closing in on them, we'll have them taken down and the prize in our hands securely" Shiro replied in a calm tone over the coms, as he walked the halls with his teammate.

"Remember Pidgey, don't get caught since we'll be a little too busy to save you" Lance teased over the coms, walking beside Shiro.

"I have Rover to protect me but try not to cry too hard while Shiro saves your ass from the big scary men" Pidge replied in a baby voice making Lance chuckle.

"I have the better model" Lance joked while Shiro rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but my model isn't married" Pidge gladly spoke up and Shiro chuckled.

"Pidge, you can't marry your robots no matter how much humanity might suck in your eyes" Shiro replied earning a disappointed grunt from Pidge.

"Are you sure you three are ok in there alone" Hunk asked with worry, he much rather be getting shot at then stand next to their unit leader.

"Will you stop being such a coward, all you are doing are standing beside me. Just keep quiet while we complete this mission" James sighed as he glanced to the man beside him.

"We in position, Pidge get ready to shut down the lights for us" Shiro whispered as he stood outside the doorway, glancing in as the deal was going down with a chemical weapon as the prize.

"Got it, in three .. two ..on" Pidge started to say, keeping her voice low and soft as she hovered over the button on her halo that would shut down the lights.


"Bless me" Lance muttered in embarrassment.

"Did you just sneeze in a critical moment of the mission" Pidge asked like she didn't just hear what everyone heard.

"Sorry but maybe they didn-ok never mind they heard me too" Lance mumbled as he glanced inside the room seeing all heads turned towards them.

"You idiot, Shiro move in fast and gram the chemical weapon and get out. Lance cover him" James sighed as he knew they no longer had the gift of a surprise attack.

"Don't get shot" Hunk called out over the coms.

"Wasn't planning too" Lance muttered back and soon gun fire was heard with pained grunts and rough groans.

"Lights going on, get ready for night vision" Pidge muttered as she knew the bad guys wouldn't be ready for a blank out even if Lance and Shiro was spotted by them.

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