Start from the beginning

     Lan Zhan tilted his head at him and couldn't express what he felt at that moment. This Wei Wuxian was different but Lan Zhan was still stone and it would take Wuxian much more than that to move him.

“This is your first and last warning Wei Wuxian. If I see you breaking the rules again I will report you to the teacher. If you don't want to adhere to them then stay at home instead.”Lan Zhan said emotionless before side stepping round Wuxian and walked away.   

      “Heyyyy, Lan Zhan! That was such a rude thing to say you know! Do you hear me? No wonder people back away from you,” Wuxian yelled back mumbling the last part to himself. So it was true what they said about Lan Zhan. God, he was soooo........ Wuxian didn't even have words to explain. It was their very first interaction and already Lan Zhan had made his mark. From the way he called Wuxian's name to how he talked to him, it was all unsettling and most uncommon. Most people were drawn to Wuxian but he had the opposite effect. It was as though Lan Zhan was repelled by him. But that was just that. Wuxian decided not to pay attention to it. Who knows maybe he was having a bad day or something. It was fine. At least he had let him off the hook but he knew next time he may not be so lucky.

          There was just one thing that slightly perturbed him. His eyes. Lan Zhan's eyes were the most empty eyes he had ever seen. His voice carried out inflections of emotions here and there but his eyes were just there. Nothing in them. That didn't sit well with Wuxian at all. It really didn't and that made him want to talk to Lan Zhan again. He wanted to invoke some shine into them at least once and experience the end of that look for himself. At least once.

    The next time Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan interacted was a few days after that. Once again Lan Zhan had been tasked to teach the class the next chapter of math. Their teacher who was originally from Japan had had a bit of difficulty understanding some parts and Lan Zhan had been able to come in and explain it throughly enough that the teacher thought it best for him to teach it instead. How Lan Zhan was able to do such was all thanks to his big brother who was currently in university abroad. Lan Zhan had taken interest in his high school studies and Xichen taught Lan Zhan much before he himself even joined high-school. But it was paying off now. He had an easier time studying and it allowed him to study further for the 5th and 6th year contents.

      The class painfully quietened down as Lan Zhan took the spotlight at the front and the teacher left to have free time. He knew Lan Zhan could easily handle the class. The students respected and feared him so no issues would likely arise. Lan Zhan gave a respectful bow to the class before he instructed them to open to a certain chapter to begin. The numerous turning of pages was all that was heard and it was soon followed by the sound of chalk against board and Lan Zhan's monotone explanations. That was when Wuxian decided to act up and bring some fun. It started off slowly with him asking numerous questions most not even related to the subject. Lan Zhan ignored him and his childish antics, shutting him down with his glare and Wuxian retreated but not for long.

     He then got into a paper throwing game with Jin Guangyao who was on his right two rows away and they were busy tossing notes around causing the back of the class to be in their  own world and distracted the others at the front. It wasn't when Lan Zhan felt something coming right behind him and caught the diverted paper directed at him, that he finally had enough of it. He turned around slow and threw his fiery glance at Wuxian, irritation brimming under the surface of his skin but he held it in.

    “Wei Wuxian, stand up this moment." he ordered as his eyes meeting with Wuxian's. Wuxian rose his eyes gleaming with expectations as he had gotten Lan Zhan's attention.

     “I'm sorry Lan Zhan. It was an honest mistake. I was aiming for the dustbin not your back. I truly apologise.” Wuxian mentioned smiling brightly as he bowed at Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan's expression grew dimmer with each word he said and felt extremely disrespected by Wuxian in front of everyone. His anger began  to flare.

   “I told you once before that if you don't want to study then you can very well stay at home and play. School is for the serious and goal oriented people not for a childish fool like yourself. Now, do us a favor and get out of class until the lesson is over.” Lan Zhan replied making the class erupt in whispers at his harshness.

   “Ohh, Lan Zhan! That's such a mean thing to say especially to your fellow classmate. Isn't it a class rule for us to have comradeship and take care of each other? I was just joking, take it easy my friend.” Wuxian continued trying to ease the situation as he detected he might have gone too far a bit. But it was already to late for that. You must remember that Lan Zhan was still a teen as the rest and his own emotions could get out off hand at times and he had had enough already.

   He stepped away from the front, grabbing Wuxian by his arm and proceeded to drag him out by force, something Lan Zhan had never done before. His simple action caused the class to now break out as they witnessed this new phenomenon.

    “Ahhh Lan Zhan! You're going to break my arm!! Can you calm down? It was just a harmless joke! Don't you think you're overreacting a bit!?!” Wuxian yelled as he pulled his arm back.

   “A joke!?! You are disrupting the class and honestly you are annoying me.” Lan Zhan yelled back his self control loosening it's grips as they attracted attention to themselves. It didn't help that their conflict was now being cheered on by the rest. It was the first time such a thing was happening and they wanted to know to what extent this would go.

    In the end, the two were found by the teacher of the 4B class and were punished for causing unnecessary noise. A first for Lan Zhan. They were both sent to the library reading room and were instructed to write the school rules over 100 times to reinforce them in their brains. An easy punishment to say the least but it was more painful for Lan Zhan as he was forced to share space with Wuxian for who knows how long.

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