Alexander The Great (ATG)

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Alexander the Great walks in the room and sits down next to Tsunamilion.

Alexander the Great: W-what? Where am I?

Tsunamilion: You are in Pyrhhia. My name is Tsunamilion. Today I'm going to do an interview with you.

Alexander: Interview? What year is it?

Tsunamilion: 2020. Now on with the interview. Alexander the Great...can I call you Alexy?

Alexander: uh, no. Alexander the Great!

Tsunamilion: Alex?

Alexander: Alexander THE Great!

Tsunamilion: ATG?


Tsunamilion: Alexander?

Alexander: no-wait, never mind. My friends call me Alexander so sure.

Tsunamilion: Great! Okay, Alexander, when you were 20 years old, you conquered Thebes and other city-states, right?

Alexander: No. My father did that, but after my father's death-may he rest in peace-I went to go stop the rebellion that Thebes was doing.

Tsunamilion: What did you do?

Alexander: I burned the city down. Hahaha!

Tsunamilion gulps nervously.

Tsunamilion: What did you do next?

Alexander: I went to go defeat the Persian Empire. So, I went to Egypt.

Tsunamilion: In the textbooks, you didn't like to have that much power. You wanted more, so where did you go?

Alexander: I went to the place where no Greek has ever been! Wait, what textbooks?

Tsunamilion: Uh, nothing. Let's continue, did you win?

Alexander: Sort of, my horse died, I was heartbroken.

Tsunamilion: After every conquer did you build something to remind the citizens of their leader?

Alexander: Actually, I did, I built things that were Greek style. The Greek way would mingle with their original cultures and this would lead to a new culture called Hellenistic. Ah, it was my favorite culture.

Tsunamilion: Yeah, it is too bad you die.

Alexander: yeah-wait what?

Tsunamilion: Uh, never mind. Forget I said anything.

Alexander: I die?

Tsunamilion: And that's all guys. Thank you for listening!

Alexander: Wait! Tell me how I die!

Tsunamilion: Time for you to go now. Security!

Security comes and stands next to Tsunamilion

Tsunamilion: Take Alexander back to his time and DON'T tell him about his future!

Security guards drag Alexander away.

Alexander: NOOOOO! WAIT I have more questions!

TSunamilion: Bye, Bye.

Tsunamilion waves him goodbye 

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