Chapter 1

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A/N ^that is what Betty was wearing.

Betty P.O.V.

I woke up in the morning to see the tin walls of the trailer I was living in. I got out of bed, took a shower then started deciding what to wear. I decided to wear a white shirt with my ripped jeans and my serpent jacket. I put on some black lipstick, left my hair loose and did a dark smoky eye. I took my school bag, put on my white sneakers and came out of my room. "Good morning FP," I called out to the leather-clad man's back, who was making coffee. "Good morning Elizabeth," he replied, turning around and grinning with two cups of coffee in his hands. "How many time do I have to tell you not to call me Elizabeth," I replied, fake frowning. "And how many time have I told you to call me dad," he replied cheekily. I grabbed the coffee from his hands, grabbed a piece of toast and sat down to eat. When I finished breakfast, I hurried out of the door calling out, "Bye dad!"

I rode my motorbike the two miles to Southside High and walked in. Everybody moved out of the way as I came stomping in, my serpent tattoo on display on my collar bone. I went to my locker to see Arch and Kev making out in front of Arch's locker, which was right next to mine. "Get a room, you two," I called out, laughing. As I opened my locker to take my books out, Toni and Ronnie came in, holding hands. "Hey girls," I called out rushing to hug both of them. They both hugged me back and then we started talking. When we all took are books we started going to our class. We walked in a formation, me in the centre, TT and Ronnie on my right, Kev and Arch on my left. That is how we walked to all our classes, as all of us had the same classes. I barely paid attention in class, having already learned all the stuff they were teaching ages ago at Riverdale High.

When school was finally over, I got onto my black motorbike with my name written in gold. I put on my helmet and rode home. I quickly left my bag in my room, grabbed my phone and went to the Whyte Whyrm for my shift. I clocked in and went behind the counter. I started serving up drinks, ignoring the catcalls I was getting. I was serving up beer for one of the customers and looked up at him. I looked into the green eyes of a raven-haired boy, about my age. He was wearing a grey coloured beanie, one lock of his hair falling onto his face. "Who are you?" I asked the boy. "My name is Jughead, what about you beautiful?" he replied, smirking. I furrowed my brows as I recognised the name, but I did not know from where. "Betty," I replied, my brows still furrowed. I turned around and continued serving drinks, waiting for my friends to come. When they came, I greeted them and finally finished my shift. We all sat around one of the pool tables and started talking. I was playing pool against Archie and he was losing. Just as I got the 8-ball in, FP strode into the bar. "Hey Dad," I called out, rushing to hug him. "Hi, Betts," he replied, hugging me tightly and spinning me around a little bit. As he let go, his eyes lifted to see someone behind me and his eyebrows rose in shock.

Jughead P.O.V.

I saw that blonde girl, Betty I think, run up to my dad. When she called him dad, I was shocked. What! I was angry to see my dad hug that girl. When he finally looked up to see me, he looked shocked. "Son," he whispered. "Hi Dad," I replied, going up to him.

Betty P.O.V.

"Son," said Fp to someone behind me. "Hi Dad," replied a familiar voice. I turned around, my hair whipping me in the face to see that raven-haired boy, Jughead, coming towards us. That is when I realised where I recognised his name. "Jughead Jones," I said in shock. Everyone in the bar was standing completely still, very surprised. Everyone here knew what had happened to FP after Jughead and Gladys left town. I looked up at FP to see tears in his eyes. When Jughead finally approached us, I moved out of the way to let them hug. When they parted, I went up to FP and gently wiped his tears, and gave him a big hug. I knew he needed one at the moment. After a few minutes, FP looked up at Jughead and asked him, "Son, why are you back?" "What, not happy to see me," he replied cheekily. Then he stopped smiling and in a very serious voice said, "To take my role as the King of the Serpents."

A/N: Hey guys, this was 844 words, including this. Hope you guys are liking the story so far!

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