oh baby 🤍

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The two blue lines stare me in the face.

Oh. My. Gosh. I'm pregnant.

Today is Ben and I's one year wedding anniversary and now I have two presents for him.

I wasn't feeling well (AND NOW I KNOW WHY), so I took the day off from Mean Girls. I know Tee's killing it as Cady today.

It's late, about 9:15. Ben should be home soon, and then we're going to give presents.

I flop on the couch with his physical present right next to me. We knew we wanted a baby, we just didn't know it would happen now. But as nervous as I am, I'm SO excited.

I don't know how long I've been sitting and thinking but Ben arrives home. I'm so anxious to tell him, it feels like he could read it off my face.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Ben drops his bag on the floor, kissed my forehead and comes to sit beside me. I twist my ring around my finger and smile.

"I'm feeling pretty great now, actually."

He grins wide. "Yay! Good! I wanna give you my present first. Can I? Please please please?" I laugh at his giddy voice."

"Sure. Go for it."

He jumps up and runs into the bedroom and produces a small box and a large bag. I open the bag first and pull out a handmade wood sign that says "Cook, established 2020". It looks amazing and fits in the theme of our apartment.

Ben smiles sheepishly. "My cousin is good at woodworking. I came up with the design and he made it."

I smile, grab his cheeks and give him a peck on the lips. "It's PERFECT. I love it so much. Thank you."

He hands me the smaller box. "Open it open it open it!!!!"

I giggled and open the box. Inside is the pair of diamond earrings I pointed out to Krystina (Alabado hehe) when we were shopping the other day. So sneaky. "Aw! I really wanted these! You are the best. Now, MY TURN."

I feel my heart start to beat faster. I hand him his present- a medium sized box.

He pulls out the first item. "The watch I wanted!" He gives me a kiss on my cheek. "You're amazing." On the bottom of the box is two tickets for the Dear Evan Hansen tour, which is in New York next Monday. "Yesss!!!!! THANK YOU!" He does a little happy dance around the room. We've made it a life goal to see as many musicals as possible on Broadway and on tour.

I take a deep breath. "There's one more present." He sits back down on the couch as I get up and walk into the bathroom where the positive test is.

"It's in the...bathroom?" He sounds so confused. It's adorable. I spin around, hiding the (rinsed off) test behind my back. Here goes nothing.

I stop in front of him on the couch. "Close your eyes." I instruct, but I don't trust him so I put a hand over his eyes as well. "Now hold out your hands." He places then in front of me and I shakily put the positive pregnancy test in his hands, with the result facing him. "Okay. Open your eyes."

He opens his eyes and stares down. He doesn't say anything for a minute and my heart rate goes up and up. After a minute he looks up at me with wide eyes, and we hold each other's gaze for a few seconds before Ben breaks out in the biggest grin I've ever seen.

He stands up and lifts me up around the waist, spinning around in a circle while laughing joyfully.

"I'm going to be a dad!"

He's going to be the best dad ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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