An Unexpected Ally

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A purple avianoid towering at eight feet just entered Sigma's office. He had just returned from a patrol task when he was called to come there.

"Milord, I came as soon as I could." Said the tall avianoid.
"StormEagle... Punctual as usual." Sigma replied.
"I came as soon as I got your signal. What is it you request of me sir?" StormEagle asked.
"We have had a mass breakout. All of our Maverick Hunter Prisoners have escaped." StormEagle's eyes widened in surprise. If he had eyebrows they would have been raised.
"A mass breakout? Everyone's out?"
"Are you deaf? Yes StormEagle. Everyone." Sigma began. "However, we were able to capture one of the Hunters responsible for this breakout. I want you to watch over her whenever we are not testing her capabilities. You are also to be her escort whenever she is needed to be out of her cell. Your prisoner watching duties start today."
"Very well, Lord Sigma." StormEagle gave Sigma a nod before he was dismissed and headed for the prison sector.

As StormEagle was headed for the Prison sector, he thought "Look after a prisoner? There's no way all of the prisoners could have gotten out of the base at once." He entered the prison sector and just as Sigma indicated, the cells were pretty much barren. StormEagle looked throughout the Prison Sector. Row of cells after row of cells, he saw no one in any of them. He was about to ask Sigma if there was a report of the prisoner escaping when he heard someone inside a cell, struggling against a chain. Struggling as if to try to break free. StormEagle went to the cell and sure enough, there was a Maverick Hunter there. Upon a second look, this hunter looked rather familiar. She looked a lot like a Sunrise Warrior child he met years ago.

"Alpha..." The avianoid was in the Hunter's sight now. The Hunter saw him. She immediately stood in a defensive stance with an expression of warning. "Alpha, relax... I'm not here to hurt you." The Hunter eased herself. She had an expression as if she had recognized him. "S... StormEagle...?" Alpha said in a rather bewildered tone. "I figured you'd remember me." He sighed a bit, he studied her again... "And I'm rather surprised that I still remember you..."
"That is one thing we can both agree on..." Alpha said and sat down cross legged. Her ears started flattening to the sides as she heaved out a sigh. "What is it you want out of me?"
"Sigma has given me the task of being your escort whenever you are needed at other places and to look after you whenever you are not going through tests."
"Tests..." Alpha's tone darkened. Her ears flattened back. It looked as if she were about to bare her teeth. "What am I being tested on?" She looked up at StormEagle with her eyebrows beginning to press down on the tops of her eyes.
"I am not entirely sure..." StormEagle shrugged as he took a seat on a stool. "If I had to guess, they'd want to see how strong, fast, durable -all that sort of stuff- you are... If I remember correctly, the databases either had no data on you or your fighting prowess initially, or the files had corrupted when the machinery at the other bases were destroyed." StormEagle explained. Alpha was silent. Her expression softened a bit. It looked as if she were going to doze off. However, it looked as if there was something to be said."I do not understand why... Despite your alignment with the Mavericks... I am feeling inclined to trust you..."
"I'm going to be honest with you kiddo..." StormEagle began. He proceeded in a quieter voice. "I don't want to be here as much as you do." Alpha's eyes widened up a bit upon this statement. "I know... It may seem like I've been one of Sigma's loyal soldiers for my whole life.... However, this is far from the case. He forced me to join him in his conquest for domination. To this day... I have been committing terrible deeds against my will and knowing it was wrong... And yet... I cannot bring myself to leave the Mavericks..." This rather caught Alpha by surprise, her ears shot up a bit. She stood up a bit and approached the bars, she tried to reach her hand through them but withdrew it upon a shock. StormEagle looked up at Alpha. He put his hand through the bars without trouble as if to offer it to her. Alpha hesitated a bit, then held his hand, she was giving him an empathetic look.
"What are you going to do for now StormEagle?" She asked.
"I dunno... For now, I'm going to need to play along to this whole deal..." StormEagle heaved out a sigh. "In the meantime, I advise you get some rest... It's almost midnight..."
"V....very well then..." Alpha let go of the avianoid's hand and went over to what looked like a recharging station modeled after a cot. Alpha laid herself down and started to doze off. As she did so, StormEagle started thinking.
"Wow... Little Alpha has really grown up... I don't know what she does with the Hunters, but I am very sure she has been making them proud just like she wanted to do for the Sunrise Warriors." He thought. He looked over Alpha once more before he found himself dozing off.

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