A Familiar Face

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It has been at least a few hours. Alpha was beginning to regain consciousness. Her vision was blurry at first but things started to come into focus. It did not appear as if there were any sources of natural light anywhere and could not tell what the time was.

"Urgh.... W... where am I now...?" The hunter groaned. She was greeted by the face of a tyrant.
"Hello little girl. It's been years." Sigma... The ruthless leader of the Mavericks was looking at her in the face. "Did you miss me Alpha?" A malevolent smile cracked on Sigma's face. Alpha was about to lunge for Sigma's face out of rage, but something had stopped her. She was being held back by some sort of cuff and chain. Had she been able to reach the bars, she would have received an intense electrical shock, which may potentially cause her to be stunned. "Stop it with your struggling Alpha. You are at your weakest right now."
"What is it you want from me?!" Alpha was growling like a tiger at this point. Rage has gotten the better of her. "Weren't you satisfied when you slaughtered the ones I once called family?"
"Settle down, Alpha. You remember what I said before I left you when I first fought you on that fateful day, do you? You had to pick a side." Sigma began. He took a few paces away from Alpha's cell. "Seeing as you chose the side of the Maverick Hunters, it seemed we had to figure out a way to force you to come here since you wouldn't have come willingly for what we wanted you for..." Alpha's expression went from a hidden rage to that of perplexion.
"You mean..."
"Let's just say there was a source that we picked up and needed someone who is able to wield it. That's where you come in." Sigma looked at Alpha again. "You may have powers already, but that is not a problem, for we have a machine that can make varying replicas of different reploids. The best part of it all, we can select whatever qualities we find favorable about the original and put it into the newly created replica. But first..." He pointed to Alpha and looked at her in the eye. "We want to see what secrets you hold inside of you." Sigma reached inside the cell to try to pat Alpha's head in a manner similar to how one would pet a housecat. She started to snarl and ducked away. "Heh... As expected..." Sigma started to walk off.
"This procedure shall not prove successful! The Maverick Hunters will stop you! I will make sure of it!" Alpha cried out. She looked to her arm and tried to send a signal. She was unable to do so.
"Really now...? You really think so?" Sigma turned back to Alpha. "I forgot to mention, while you were out, we disabled your communications system." He gave her a menacing grin. He continued on. "Your allies would not be able to get ahold of you, and you won't be able to get ahold of your allies. Nobody's going to come and save you. Oh, and don't even bother trying to break out. You'll be stopped every time you do it." He then turned back down the hall and continued going down that path. "Be sure you get plenty of rest, Alpha. You'll never know when you are going to get tested."
"Tested?!? Tested for what?!?" Alpha bolted for the front of her cell. She looked down the hallway. The cuffs around her wrists shifted downward. She grabbed the cell bars without thinking. She fell victim to high voltage, she yelled out in shock and pain, she staggered downward and panted.
"You'll know due time." Sigma replied. By the time Alpha stood back up, Sigma was out of Alpha's sight. She was left feeling confused. After a moment of standing where she was, she backed in towards the cell and sat on the ground, leaning against the wall. She hugged her knees and looked down. For a brief moment, she felt utterly hopeless and defeated. She was trapped in the Maverick Prison Base with a grim outcome waiting for her. All the prisoners were broken out and there was no way for Alpha to contact anyone back at the Maverick Hunter HQ, not a Hunter, not a Navigator, not even the Commander. She was alone... She looked up to the ceiling. Despite the odds going against her favor for now, she knew that she was going to persevere. She had to. She will come out of this situation somehow. She just needed to try.

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