~Chapter 16: Planned Kinapping...Again~

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I sigh as I lower myself onto the chair.

Yesterday, Anastasia, Drizella and their children left for their own homes as their yearly stay had come to an end. Their husband's decided to surprise the lot with flowers, chocolate and a thousand apologies for not joining this season. It may have been joyful for the household but I have been worked to exhaustion with an extra two souls to care for. I can only thank God that Lady Tremaine hired stable hands, a valet and scullery maid four years past. They are only employed for a short window of the year but I would already be six feet under if I were to accomplish all tasks myself. I had just finished organizing the china and dishware for next summer, the last task to complete. Now it will just be Lady Tremaine, Juliette and myself in residence for the next eight to nine months.

The clock strikes seven times signaling the hour. She will never admit it but Lady Tremaine's age has takes a toll on her every time her family leaves. She is currently retired for the night despite the early evening hour. Juliette always acts forlorn as well when her cousins take leave. The poor child is left with no siblings and is often left alone without those of similar age excluding the summer months. I always make her favorite meals when those days come but she was so upset she refused to take even the smallest of bites, strange for her usual hefty appetite.

I for one am relieved.

At least that is what I keep telling myself.    

It is for the best. Adam and I were pushing limits beyond those not yet set. In my selfishness I had lost sight of my purpose and why I continue to stay. I cannot do so again. It is not worth taking another risk if it means losing her in the process.

I sigh again (I have been doing that quite a lot lately) and lose myself in my thoughts.

Adam and I never shared a final farewell. He would have been home for a week now. That must mean the ball is either tonight or it has already passed. I do hope that he convinced his father to accept his proposal. Oh well, only time will tell now.


The sound of the outside door slamming is loud enough to make anyone jump but I practically fall out of my seat as I come back down to earth.

Sophie stomps through the doorway with a look fierce enough to kill. When her eyes finally land on me she points an accusing finger in my face. "You. Up. Now."

"Sophie! What in the world are you doing here? And whatever you are thinking of saying or doing please for the love of God be quiet, my step-mother is slumbering upstairs. If it is possible I need you to contain your intense personality for once, I can barely handle it on a good day."

"Well you best be ready to handle it now, I am currently in a level five hurricane of intensity. Get your pretty little ass up off the chair and let's go."

"Sophie you know I can't leave. I know I only gave Camille a short letter to give to you about what occurred on her last day but I promise I will explain the rest when I can-"

"I filled in the gaps myself. Now are you going to get up yourself or do I have to do it for you?"

I rest my head in my hands. "Sophie, please. I just can't risk anything by leaving and knowing you will scream at me until you are or blue or do some outrageous and insane-oh Dear God in heaven!"

Apparently Sophie was more impatient than I thought I because before I could finish my sentence she had tackled me to the ground.

"Sophie get your mad self off me!"

"Not until you shut up and follow me out that door!"

She begins to tear my house slippers off but is proving to be unsuccessful with my flailing feet.
"How can I follow you out the door if you are stealing my shoes?!"

"You will not be seen in those ratty mud cloths you dare call a pair of slippers, Ah ha!" Triumphantly holding both shoes in her hand, she flings the pair into the hearth. I horrifically watch my only good pair of footwear burn to a crisp.

"Why did you do such a thing? You know that was my only good pair!"

"Trust me I did you a service!"

Now barefoot, Sophie moves on to removing the strings of my apron. "How many knots do you have on this bloody thing?!" She grabs a paring knife off the counter and begins to slice the fabric.

"Sophie Couture don't you dare ruin my best apron!"

"How can I ruin something that is already hanging by threads? Now hold still so I can slip on the first layer of petticoats and hopefully a pair of stockings if you will be God willing cooperative!"

"You will put no such things on! GET OFF ME you klazomaniac! Arrragh, how can someone so small weigh the same as a bloody elephant?!"

"Ella what is going on down here? I can hear you all the way from my room and that's on the second floor! What could possibly be happen-"

Juliette skids to a halt when she catches sight of Sophie straddling me attempting to strip me of my clothes.

Then she does something completely unexpected.

She groans.

"Sophie! This wasn't part of the plan! In fact I remember specifically telling you not to do this!"

"She wouldn't listen! I had no other choice."

"That is why I gave you the blindfold and rope! What did you do with them?"

"I did in fact use those items as you suggested but it was for an adult activity not suited for children's ears."

"Sophie!" I hissed.

"What? At least I didn't go into great detail how Geoffrey and I-"

"Can someone please tell me what the bloody hell is going on before I lose my bloody mind?!" I shout in exasperation. "Why is it that when you two get together something dissolves into chaos?"

Sophie throws her head back and exchanges a knowing smile with Juliette.

"Well you have to admit last time ended fairly well." said Juliette.

"But this trip we have all exhaustedly prepared for will be one you will never forget."

I blow out a frustrated breath. "Where are you taking me this time?"

Sophie scrunchies her brows in confusion.

"Isn't it obvious? You are going to schmooze your future father-in-law and dance the night away with the love of your life all while wearing a fabulous ensemble that will make the ton green with envy. You my dear Eleanora, will be attending the End of Summer finale ball to win a prince's heart by saving all of Charmone."

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