Chapter 8

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He stood there, lips shut with his head down. I sighed, "I'm being too pushy. You don't have to prove me anything. I don't know what I'm talking about. You've already done so much for me." My eyes returned to looking at the wooden floor.

The red feathers of his wings ruffled. The sound of his breathing deepened as the room remained silent. Slowly, he sauntered even closer to me. "Look at me kid." When I looked up, desire seeped from his eyes. He chuckled, "So you're into me kid?"

I took two steps away. "N-no. Of course not," I blushed.

"Well," he took a step forward, "just who are you into then? That Volvo guy?"

Each step he took forward, I would take the same amount back. My mind is racing, but I'll play around. "Perhaps," I smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Yes, I would." His wings ruffled more as he kept advancing towards me. "Now, tell me."

"Make me." On my last step, my back hit the wall. Hawks face came inches away from mine. My breath shallowed as he looked at me as if he could see into my soul.

"Fuck it," he grunted under his breath before crashing his lips with mine. My eyes widened but immediately accepted fate. The warmth of his soft lips spread to my cheeks.

He slid his left hand up my shirt and made contact to the left of my lower stomach causing my insecurity to rise. When I parted my lips to object, he slipped his tongue into my mouth. Butterflies exploded in my stomach as he continued to grope me. Our breaths started to match one another's as each kiss grew more eager.

Out of the blue, Hawks phone rang causing him to growl in annoyance. He separated from me and angrily answered the phone. "What is it?" This gave me time to catch my breath.

I overheard parts of a mans voice outcoming from the phone. "Hawks....we need you"

Hawks sighed, "I got to go kid. It might be a few days before I can see you again."

"I'll have a lot of things going on as well," I mumbled.

"I'll keep in contact. Try not to forget about me." He winked as his cheeks blossomed.

I chuckled, "Can't promise anything."

"When I get back let's go on a date. I'll text you when are where."

"Hey wait-"

"See you later baby bird," he grinned as he flew off.

"I told you I'm going to be busy..." I said sadly to myself. My schedule consisted of missions every night for the next week.

Day one, the mission went smoothly. No injuries were obtained. When I got back to my apartment there was a notification from Hawks on my phone. "Hey kid. I'll be back in about five to six days. I found a delicious chicken place here." Attached with his message was a picture of him eating chicken causing me to chuckle. I responded, "Sorry for messaging so late at night. I'm glad you found some good chicken. Try not to eat their whole supply ya bird brain. Goodnight, and have a good rest."

Day two, I returned late at night again. My muscles are sore but manageable. Hawks messaged me again saying, "Well, aren't you a nighthawk. You made me worried after you didn't respond for a few hours. I told you not to forget about me." Damn it, I didn't seen his message until now.

Day three and four. I was given the same syringe they give me every time I have consecutive missions. My sleep schedule has turned into waking up right before my mission, getting home, and going back to sleep. The syringe content is the only thing allowing to push my body through these missions. Bruises has developed on me as the obstacles grow.

Day five, Hawks is suppose to be coming home today or tomorrow. I haven't been responding to his messages. My body wouldn't physically let me. Once returning back to my apartment, I barely have enough energy to change my clothes. I fall asleep at the dining table and the cycle continues. When I wake up it's night and the cold food that sat on the table gets thrown away. I insert the syringe in my leg to allow me to move for the mission. Then by the time I'm done it's worn off and my body goes back to being numb.

Day six has come. Avery was checking my wounds as usual. "Wheres your phone?" she asked.

"I leave it at home during missions. I sleep all my free time away so I haven't had time to check it."

"So that's why you haven't responded to me. I messaged you asking how you were feeling, but apparently it's worse than I thought. Skai, you have absolutely zero energy when you get home. Don't try to deny it because I know it's true. I'm going to request you get a break."

"I'll be fine as long as they supply me with those syringes," I mumbled.

"You forget it's your life, not theirs."

Hearing those words made me freeze. "Is it though?" were the exact words I thought to myself.

Later as I rested my head on my crossed arms on the dining table, my phone hummed notifying me of a message. A feeling a guilt entered my gut. I haven't been able to respond to Hawks for days. He most likely hates me by now. A familiar voice from the balcony snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hey kid."

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