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You guys get into her car. It's was a blue low rider. Christie sat on the passenger side while you and Jeremiah sat in the back. Yall drive away.
Rosalia: Here's the thing about your dad, he doesn't like me after what i did. So therefore if he is the one who called than it sucks for me.
You: Where exactly is your house
Rosalia: By Passic Valley high school
Jeremiah: That's our high school
Christie: I have been wanting to go there
Rosalia: So why have you been trying to find me?
Christie: I hate living here, i wanna be like them, a normal high school girl yk
Rosalia: I wanted that too and when i finally got the chance i took it
Christie: What happened after your mother throw you out
Rosalia: I ran to the gang, they took me in and i got hella money. I have been in jail and stuff. The only way to get out of the gang is to die or kill yourself.
You look out the window and realize your where you use to live. She keeps driving.
Christie: Is your house nice?
Rosalia: You can check out yourself
She turns down a street and drives 3 house down. She turns into her driveway. Her house looked like this:

Christie: Are you sure your in a gang? Rosalia: Yes ma'amJeremiah: It's beautiful for some-You: Don't be rudeRosalia: Were you gonna say it not like a female that is in a gang to have a nice home ? Jeremiah: YeaRosalia: Well you will get to know m...

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Christie: Are you sure your in a gang?
Rosalia: Yes ma'am
Jeremiah: It's beautiful for some-
You: Don't be rude
Rosalia: Were you gonna say it not like a female that is in a gang to have a nice home ?
Jeremiah: Yea
Rosalia: Well you will get to know more about me when we go inside
You guys get outta the car and go inside.
Rosalia: Make yourself at home
Christie: Aunt Rosalia you have a nice home
Rosalia: Thank you
You guys head to the living room. You sat down on the couch.
Rosalia: So what do you wanna know?
Christie: Do you have any kids?
Rosalia: Yes but before i left i put her to bed
Christie: Aww, are you married
Rosalia: Hell nah foo
You: How old are you?
Rosalia: 27
Christie: How old is your kid?
Rosalia: 3
Jeremiah looks at you.
You: wha?
Jeremiah: i will tell you later
Christie: I wanna live with you so badly
Rosalia: Idk foo i would have to deal with your dad and stuff

An hour later

You guys were still talking about stuff until your dad called.  You picked up the phone on the first ring.
You: Hello?
Dad: Where are you?
You: I took off to a friend's house
Dad: Is Christiana with you?
You: Yea she is
Dad: Her dad needs her home rn
You: okay i will tell her
Dad: And i need you home rn too
You: Are you still at your work
Dad: No we are home now
You: So you- nvm i gotta go
You hung up the phone.
Jeremiah: Who was that?
You: My dad, he said i need to be home rn and so do you christie they are looking for you
Christie: I don't wanna be home
Rosalia: Im sorry i have to, i don't need the police on me
You guys got up and left the house. Rosalia dropped you and Jeremiah off at your house.
Jeremiah: Uh should i stay the night
You: Yea i will sneak you in
Rosalia: Nice meeting you
Christie: See you soon
They drove off. You guys go inside and into your bedroom. You change into pjs right in front of him.
You: Why did u look at me when she said she had a baby
Jeremiah: because it's something i want with you
You started blushing. You guys lay down together and fall asleep.

That's the end of this chapter.

Regrets//kairi cosentino Where stories live. Discover now