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Your POV: The next day: Thursday morning
You wake up and get on your phone. Jeremiah was asleep next to you. You got bored and started looking up babies. You saw a babyboy with curly hair it reminded you of Jeremiah.

Your thoughts
Me and Jeremiah should have kids, wait we only 17 years old we can't be doing it to have kids. If me and him did have a kid. Damn he or she would be one beautiful ass baby. Ahhh i think i love this boy. Im not sure yet so ima stay quiet.
End of your thoughts

Jeremiah started moving. His eyes open and look at you then your phone.
Jeremiah: You want a baby? Why didn't you say so? 😂
You: Noooo im just looking
Jeremiah: Stop looking mamas
He takes your phone away. You look at him in a mad face. He gives you his look and bites his lip. You stop being mad.
You: I- the way you do that makes me have butterflies
Jeremiah: The way i do alot of things makes you have butterflies and throbbing pussy
You: Shut up😂
Jeremiah: Nah because you love me
You: No i don't
Jeremiah: Keep telling yourself that
You: I don't have to because i know i don't love you
Jeremiah: You will probably moan it when i fuck your pussy good 😂
You: Stopppp😂
Jeremiah: Well wanna go anywhere
You: I don't have clothes
Jeremiah: That's were your wrong
He hands you a bag with your clothes.
You: I don't know if i wanna chance it
Jeremiah: Ight it's fine
You: I have a question
Jeremiah: Yes
You: Does Kirsten know you like me?
Jeremiah: Yeah
You: oh okay
Jeremiah: what you wanna do?
You: how about we just lay down and talk
Jeremiah: okay
You guys lay down together.
You: Can you take off my clothes?
Jeremiah: i would have never thought you would say that to me
He takes off your shirt and kisses your boobs. He looks at you.
You: Im not in the mood
Jeremiah: i can always make you
You: I don't if i wanna have sex atm
Jeremiah: Okay
You: Take off my clothes and get me sum comfortable outta my bag
Jeremiah: okay
He takes off your pants. He rubs his thumb on your clit with underwear on.
You: Omggg stoppppp🤤
Jeremiah: Sorry i know you said no sex but i can't resist
You: It's okay take it off and do your thing
He puts his boner by your clit.
You: Mhmm it's so big 🤤
Jeremiah: It isn't in you yet
You: I know but-
Someone knocked on the door. You throw a blanket over you.
Jeremiah: It's open
Kirsten: Y/n wanna go to the beach with us
You: Who is us?
Kirsten: Me, Claudia and Brizzie
You: Uh no thank you
Kirsten: Okay we won't be home for 6 days
You: okay
She shuts the door.
Jeremiah: You should have went
You: Wait why?
Jeremiah: Gives you sum to do
You: But i rather be here with you
Jeremiah: Aw thanks now ima get back to what we were doi-
There was a knock on the door.
Jeremiah: It's open
Rhianna: So ima take everyone to the park wanna come?
Jeremiah: No thanks
Rhianna: You guys will have the house to yourselves
Jeremiah: Okay
She shuts the door. Jeremiah gets up and locks the door. You throw the blanket off of you. You get up and walk over to Jeremiah.
Jeremiah: I don't think you need this
He takes off your bra. You started throwing it back on his dick.
Jeremiah: So your gonna play like that
He grabs your boobs as you do it. He slides off your underwear. He pulls out his dick. He puts it in you. You grabs his bed/blankets. He goes fast. Clapping noises were in the making of yall have sex. You moan.
Jeremiah: Moan louder
He started hitting your spot and you moan louder.
You: thats *moans* the *moans* spot *moans*
Jeremiah: Cum
You squirt and cum on his dick. He pulls out and cums. You guys lay down and watch outer banks. Jeremiah looks at you.
You: Yes?
Jeremiah: Don't be like that
You: or else what
He looks at you up and down, he licks his lips and goes to your ear.
Jeremiah: i know you felt sum
You: Stopppp😍
Jeremiah: How about you get changed in sum clothes and i will do the same
You: Nooo i don't want to
Jeremiah: oh my
You get up and put on your bra and underwear. He puts on his boxers and basketball shorts. You guys lay down together.
Jeremiah: I wanna give you this
He gets up and opens his first drawer. He turns around with a small black box. He hands you the box. You open it.
You: Oh Jeremiah it's so beautiful
What was in the little black box was a beautiful locket:

 You: Oh Jeremiah it's so beautiful What was in the little black box was a beautiful locket:

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Jeremiah: Open it
You open the locket. It was a picture of Jeremiah in his football uniform.
You: Aww i love it
Jeremiah: That's good
He kisses you. You kiss back.
You: Help me put it on
You turn around and Jeremiah helps you put it on. You turn around and went to the bathroom. You looked at it in the mirror.

Your thoughts
Woah! It's so beautiful! I can't believe he would give me this. He loves me and i love him but i- im to scared to tell him.
End of your thoughts

You open the locket and look at the picture of him again.
You: That's my future baby daddy *whispers to yourself*
You walk outta the bathroom and back to Jeremiahs room. He was playing his game. You lay down and watch him. He rubbed your legs.
Jeremiah: Mamas
You: yes
Jeremiah: What are we?
You: Uhh bestfriends
Jeremiah: oh...

Your thoughts
Oh Jeremiah your the love of my life.. wait why did i say we are bestfriends... ahhhh i can't with this!
End of your thoughts

Jeremiah was playing GTA 5. You slowly started to fall asleep. Jeremiah was still rubbing your legs until you felt him come up to you. He kisses your lips. You kiss back and fall back asleep.

That's the end of this chapter.

Regrets//kairi cosentino Where stories live. Discover now