20. Date

180 10 1

Jules' POV
As I wake up this morning I notice Billie is out of bed already.

Last night we spent the rest of the night hanging by the bar until the last people left, which was at like 3 am so that was fun.

After that we went home and Billie and I didn't talk about what happened last night anymore.

Waking up and going down stairs to the kitchen, I see Billie, Gavin and Aldon having dinner like the perfect family they are. Right at then moment I felt like a stranger interrupting their great life just like that, a stranger putting those perfect people in danger. Because they damn sure are perfect, each one of them. On the outside and inside.

Taking the fact y'all are here for Billie I take that I don't have to explain why my Billie is so perfect.

But let me start on Gavin. He is handsome, very nice and has a lot of responsibility for everyone he cares for, for his little Aldon, for Billie.

And little Aldon, I don't even know how to start about him. He is so smart and so sweet and his hugs are the warmest and sweetest hugs a person can imagine.

That's why I have so much love for this family.

With a deep breath I enter the kitchen with a smile.

I sit down next to Billie and kiss her cheek but she pushes me back.

I frown at her.

"I thought you weren't mad?" I ask confused.

"I'm not but I don't want you to touch me with the same hands you're touching other people." She answers.

"But- I didn't want that, it was the last time." I protest.

"I have to see prove for that, I'm sorry Jules. Trust is something that comes easily the first time and you got it 2 years ago but it's broken now so you need to prove me wrong for losing that trust." She says.

"Woah you just really said all of that deep shit in front of me? A seven year old?" Aldon asks and shakes his head.

"Watch your language young man. And Gavin will you please watch Aldon's birth certificate? I don't believe he's 7." I say.

"Oh and Billie, I still owe you that 24 hour date. Let me prove you wrong, starting with that date. We leave at 2." I add.

"I would really love to but I can't because I have to perform tonight and you have to do the bar." I answer.

"I can perform alone, you know I can sing too. Claudia will do the bar alone tonight. Have this day for you two, alone. Have fun you two." Gavin reassures you.


Billie's POV
"You look-"

"Amazing, unlike you." I grin as I cut off Jules.

"Wait- what? You always liked me dressing like this when did that change?" She asks confused.

I look her up and down as I keep the grin on my face.

She's wearing some jogger type pants with an oversized T shirt. You know, the usual for Jules. The kind of clothes she feels comfortabel in.

"I'm just fucking with you, you look great too." I say, still laughing at her cute frown.

How did all of this happen. A month ago I was still convinced I should move on and go to Sam. We would've been happy, we really would. It would be fine.

But the type of happiness I feel with Jules as a whole other level.

It's insane. Because Sam never broke my heart, never even gotten close to breaking it or fucking things up between us.

Was hoping you'd come home (sequel to 'kill me, if you dare')Where stories live. Discover now