2. A little surprise

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Billie's POV
After finishing our plates, Gavin takes his guitar and the book with covers we practiced for tonight and we leave to the bar in his car.

Aldon always tags along and plays with his legos behind the bar and the bartender, Sam usually babysits on him while we're doing our show.

Sam is short for Samantha, don't tell her I told you that. She hates that name.

She is your typical gay girl. She's got short black hair, tattoos covering her whole body and a smile that could get any girl gay.

We arrive at the bar and I jump on one of the bar stools. "What up Sam." I smile. "Look at you." She smiles back. "All cute and happy." She adds. "What can I get my favorite one around?" She asks.

"For me a cola and for our little Aldon water. You know the rule." I smile.

"No soda's before the show ends." Sam and Aldon say in unison and laugh. "That's right." I nod.

I see Gavin is already preparing everything for tonight on our little stage.

There are already some people in the bar, but usually people start to come at the time we start to play, summer season is about to start too so I think in a week we'll have a lot of audience again. Usually when summer season starts, in a week. Sam sets out a little bar on the beach and the whole bar moves outside for about two months.

"Rehearsal, Billie." Gavin says.

I roll my eyes at that, every night is literally the same except from that we change up the playlist a little. We really don't need a rehearsal.


When we're halfway through the show the bar door opens and I can't help but feel a spark in my stomach to see who walks in.

Ginger hair that's messy in the cutest way possible and his gray-blue eyes that lit up the room.


I haven't seen him since Jules and I left town but we stayed in touch. He knows everything that happened.

He didn't tell me he was coming to see us though.

I watch him sit down on one of the bar stools and orders a drink by Sam.

I try not to think about the fact that I'm finally seeing him face to face again after all this time and finish the show as good as I can.


"That was it for tonight guys." I say through the mic. Usually the one to cheer the loudest is Sam but this time it's Finneas. I simply smile at him before hopping of the stage and walking behind the bar to get Aldon.

"Het, Al, buddy come on I want you to meet someone." I say as I stick out my hand for him to grab.

I make my way to where Finneas is sitting to introduce them to each other.

"Finneas, this is Aldon. Gavin his son. Aldon, this is Finneas, he is my brother." I say.

"I can see that," Aldon nods. "He's as pretty as you." He smiles.

In that time Gavin joined us too. "Gavin, Finneas, Finneas Gavin." I say.

"Can I meet the handsom young man too?" I hear a voice I could recognize from any other voice. I turn around and hug Claudia.

"Finneas, this is Claudia, Claudia, this is Finneas. My brother." I say.

"He indeed is pretty, Aldon." She says to Aldon, who nods at Claudia.

"So did I meet everyone now?" Finneas laughs. "Nope, I'm Sam." Sam says as she sticks her hand over the bar to shake Finneas'.

"I'm sorry, I missed someone. Yeah, this is Sam, Sam, Finneas." I smile.

We talk the whole night at the bar and when it really starts getting late we all separate ways. Finneas is gonna tag along to the beach house, he decided to stay here for a couple days.

When everyone heads out already I make my way around the bar to Sam.

"Goodnight Sammy." I say and hug her.

Sam also has a special place, she was there when Gavin was busy with Aldon or doing other stuff, she was there to mend my broken heart. It's still broken but SHE did take really good care of me.

"Goodnight Billie. It was fun meeting your brother. I think your kindness and charms are in the genes of your family. He's just like you." She says.

"Yeah, he is, we're like- best friends. It was good seeing him again." I answer. "I can imagine that." She nods.

She wraps her arms around me and rubs my back. "Goodnight Billie." She whispers and kisses my cheek.

I make my way to the exit.

"See you tomorrow." Sam calls out with a wink. I smile and nod at her and make my way to the car.


Once home we put Aldon in bed and Gavin goes back to his own room, giving Finneas and I some time alone.

I was almost scared to ask but gathered all the courage.

"How is everyone doing home?" I ask in a whispered tone.

"Mom and dad were miserable when you left, I explained them everything and then they were mad, at you, at them, at anyone. Now they understand that this is what you need and that you'll come around when you feel more like yourself again. Calvin reached for contact with me and he's become a good friend, he said he needed me to get over all this. Adric has been miserable too, but he's doing good. Seth and Liz are still in love. Everything has been going like always now after all this time." He says.

"What about Robbie?" I ask. "He's working and has a family. His baby girl is born only 2 months ago or something I think." Finneas explains.

"Jax?" I ask so quiet that I'm not sure if Finneas heard me.

"He's off radar. He left a little after Jules and you did." Finneas answers.

"What about the gangs?" I wonder. "They don't exist anymore, it's just something they talk about now that once existed and is now in the past."

I nod at that, it's good to hear. That whole thing ruined enough lives.

"What about you Billie. Who's that Sam girl. You never talked about her." He says with a huge smirk on his face.

"She's just a friend." I shrug. "Friends don't look at each other like you guys do." He says. "What does that mean?" I ask.

"The spark between you two, I felt it." He shrugs. "We just are friends though." I answer. "Whatever you say" He says.

Was hoping you'd come home (sequel to 'kill me, if you dare')Where stories live. Discover now