11. A Real Girl?

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I do believe it’s time, dear reader, that we address a character that’s been along for the ride since practically the beginning. This character has proven herself to be useful in times of strife, as well as an abomination that spews out dramatic plot points as needed.

I am, in fact, addressing little Juliearl. Juliearl longed for her mother’s love and a father’s attention.  Her mother was always using her for arbitrary tasks and not realizing her full potential. Juliearl, like most little girls, just wished to be loved by people she loved.

There came a time when Juliearl had to be enrolled in the school. Jeni pleaded and pleaded not to allow her child to be subjected to the pain and torment Jeni felt everyday (although it was beginning to cease). She didn’t win the battle, and Juliearl entered kindergarten.

Juliearl adapted well to her new social surroundings. She gained new partners for play as well as a new understanding of her mother’s social position. She didn’t dare say who her mother was, for fear of shaming herself.

Now, Juliearl wasn’t selfish, per say, she just wanted attention from her peers off of her hide. And while this tactic was effective for the year (a year in which she gained fifteen years), it was almost impossible to hold her tongue when someone insulted her mother in first grade.

First grade brought on a new slew of challenges. The primary one being that she was the only 16 year old (in appearance, not spirit) in her class, as well as the tallest, most athletic, and most beautiful girl. This made the other females in her class extremely jealous.

Second grade came along and created a greater rift between Juliearl and the other students. Finally, the other girls in the class just couldn’t take it.

“Oh Juliearl,” a particularly nasty little girl chided one day.

“Yeah? What?”

“We have something to show you… In the bathroom.”

Juliearl was nervous about what the other girls wanted to show her, but she was also incredibly excited to finally be accepted into their social group. She swallowed her concern and smiled at the girls.

“Okay,” she replied.

Juliearl and the four other girls wandered into the bathroom whilst the teacher was preoccupied with another student. They brought her into the handicapped stall - it was the biggest one and they could all fit comfortably.

“Look at that,” one of the girls pointed toward the commode.

“I… I don’t see anything.”

“Look closer.”

She leaned in. It began to occur to her that there might be nothing to see. Unfortunately for Juliearl, this thought came to her in the moments just before Stacy (the meanest of the girls) grabbed the back of her head and shoved it into the commode. With a *splash*, Juiearl was drowning and spluttering in the tainted waters. One of the other girls walked forward and flushed. Juliearl couldn’t breathe! She struggled and squirmed. Sparks flew from her back. Juliearl could feel the amount of energy in her batteries beginning to drain. Seeing spots, Juliearl blacked out and stopped moving.

“It’s done,” a demon girl declared.

The bullies made their way out of the stall. They had not anticipated, though, that their victim was not a real girl. She was a robot. With a spark, Juliearl sat up. A strange thing had occurred during her swirly, though. She had become… REAL.

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