My Little Kangaroo

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I walked down the street, massaging my temples. I needed to get fresh air because Hyunjin and Jisung were fighting over who's better at what for the fifth time this past hour. Ugh. It was like they didn't even care that I wasn't there anymore. They just kept throwing their weight around.
It's exhausting really. That's when I heard a cat's screech.
"What is it?" I asked as I turned my head to see a cat scurry out from behind a bush. "Is something wrong?"
I heard a small sound coming from the bushes.
Is that someone coughing? I decided to go see.
When I went to pick it up, I heard a scratching noise under the bush.
"You hear that?"
It sounded like a kangaroo when they actually make sound!
I looked at the bush again. Then I saw it.
A small injured kangaroo. Tears fill my eyes as I looked at it, it was losing blood very quickly.
"I'm guessing someone hurt it and left it here?"
But who would do that?
I picked up the small animal and it was a small baby kangaroo. It's mama must have left him..
"I'll take it to someone who can care for it."
I put the little guy in my bag and rushed home.
It looks up at me with it's helpless eyes and I place him down in the bathroom.
Sadly, the kangaroo has lost a lot of blood and probably won't survive much longer.
I'll have to put it down soon.
I then get a better idea.
I rush to the first aid kit and start taking care of the kangaroo.
I sew him back together with my box cutter and start giving him an IV of saline to replace the blood he's lost.
The little guy lays there, looking up at me the whole time.
I find a bowl of water and start cleaning him. He makes a sound of discomfort and I say "I know. I'm sorry."
I pat his head a lot in an attempt to reassure him.
He looks so sad as he breaths heavily. I feel so bad for him.
I wrap him up in a towel where his breathing calms down.
He looks up at me and I'm glad I decided to help him.
He was pretty cute to be honest. I pet his head and sigh. "Whoever hurt you is gonna die." I say. "You won't get hurt again." I assure him.
Even though he was a kangaroo I decided to keep him for the night, scared something might happen to him.
I put him in the bathroom counter and lay a notebook and pen down.
"Okay kiddo, you've been through enough for one night. Now it's time for you to heal."
I keep him safely in my room before heading back to the JYP building. I know I could've brought him to the vet but my house was closer.
I'm a bit worried about him. He seems a bit delusional from the blood loss, but he's so small I don't think it'll be a problem. He just needs to heal and he'll be fine.
I let out a deep sigh, worried about leaving him on his own.I walk into the living room where my brother Minho looks at me.
"What are you looking at you piece of shit?" He spat.

I glare at him and say "You usually want something from me when you get home."

"Is that so?"

"Yes Hyung.." I say Hyung as if I ate a lemon.

"I don't that attitude." He says.
I shut up and he gets close to my face.
"Don't think I won't beat the hell out of you after I'm done talking to you."
I gulp and avoid eye contact with him.
"And I don't care how old you are, if I feel like beating the hell out of you for whatever reason, you won't stop me."
I avoid his gaze and clear my throat.
"I wasn't going to say anything.. Sir.."
"Don't Sir me, you little prick." He hisses.
I flinch when he moves his hand to my shoulder.
"I won't tolerate weakness, you get that?"
"Yes.." I say. He slaps me to the ground.
"I'm your older brother!" He shouts making me shut my eyes tight. "You listen to me!"
I wince as I feel his foot kick my ribs.
"If you ever do that again, I swear I won't hesitate to break you."
I only nod as I was scared to say anything.
He kicks me again. "SPEAK WHEN YOU'RE SPOKEN TO!"
I take a deep breath and let it out. "Sorry."
He kicks me in the stomach and says "If you continue talking to me like that. I swear I won't be as nice next time."
I wince as I feel his foot hit my side.
He grabs me by the hair and makes me look at him.
"Don't you ever disrespect me like that again."
I nod as he lets me go.
I try my best to hold in my tears. He says "I'm staying at Jisung's house. I want this damn house clean by the time I get back. Understand?!"
I stand up and nod. "Yes."
He walks past me and grabs his duffel bag, slinging it over his shoulder.
"Don't go anywhere." He says and leaves.
I timidly nod as he walks away.
I wait a little while before heading back up. As I'm turning on the water to wash the dishes I hear a thumping noise.
Right! The kangaroo!
I run back down and pick him up.
"Sorry for making you wait." I apologize as I pick him up.
I look down at the kangaroo and he looks back up at me.
"Hey little guy. Say let's take a shower?" I ask, picking him up.
He lets out a startled but calm cry and snuggles into my chest.
I sigh in disappointment as the members wanted to kill him. I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on.
I place the kangaroo on top of the toilet and take my clothes off.
I take him in my hands, and we get in. The kangaroo is super gentle, watching me as I clean dirt off of his fur.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." "I've no intention on doing that."
He looks up at me and I smile at him. "What should I call you for now?" I ask.
He looks at me and sniffs. His little nostrils flare as he smells me. He gives an uncertain cough/cry and rubs up against my chest.
"I'll call you Chan for now." I say, placing him under the shower head.
I wash him carefully, making sure to get all the dirt off of him. He goes under the shower head twice as much as I do, so I have to stop every now and then.
I totally forgot I had to clean myself of sweat and dirt as well, but that's the least of my worries right now.
When I finish, I dry him off with a bath towel.
I get my clothes on and I lay down a pillow for him to sleep on. He happily rests on it and we head to sleep.
I don't know what'll happen in the future, but for now, the little kangaroo is safe.
I slowly opened my eyes almost blinded by the sun. I quickly shut them again and felt the breeze on my face.
As I slowly got my bearings together, I heard the sound of a CRACK.
I shot my eyes open and saw a ting bit older guy walking around my room.
He was very naked.
But he had a large cut across his face the same one that the kangaroo had. I stare at him with my eyes wide open.
"Who are you?" I ask.
He quickly looks at me and hides in the corner of the room.
In panic, I jump up and rush over to him.
"C-Chan!" He whispers. I look at the pillow that I laid down for Chan. The kangaroo was gone.
"What's wrong?"
He looks at me as if he's about to cry.
"The guy who did that to me is still out there."
I sit next to him on the floor.
"Y-You saved me.." He says. I had to think about this. The man in front of me was the kangaroo I saved yesterday.
He really did recognize me
"How do I know you're telling the truth?"
He puts his finger to his lips in a "shhhhh" motion.
"You have a nice body.." He says, trying to change the subject.
I look down at my body and feel a bit embarrassed. This guy's hitting on me when I had just saved him from potential death also HE'S A DAMN KANGAROO HYBRID?!
"I-I need a moment. You just stay there. I'll get you some clothes"
"I need a moment. You just stay there. I'll get you some clothes"
After getting some pants and a shirt for the guy, I come back in. Once I sit down, he noticed my embarrassed look.
He was very naked but had his knees up so I couldn't see anything.
"You're not turned on by me are you?" He asks.
"Not in the slightest." I say trying not to look at his genitals.
He puts his knees down , revealing his.......... ..genitals.
I looked away quickly and threw the clothes at him.
"Well, I have clothes for you now." I say. I stand up and he puts on the pants and shirt I got him. I notice his genitals are covered and look at him.
"Now get out. I have to change." I say but he doesn't move at all, instead he looks around at my room like it's the best thing on earth.
"You have a lovely home.."
My life is weird.
"Thanks.." I say. He looks at me and says "I don't see why you're so bothered. We took a shower together so it's okay."
I'm about to say something snappy when he goes back to his weird stare. He hops out of my room and I hear him running down the stairs.
Is this seriously the same animal I took care of yesterday?
I put on a pair of clean pants and go check on him.
When I come down the stairs, I hear him talking to himself "I have clothes now! I am not a dirty animal!"
I looked over and watched him check himself out in the mirror. I have to admit. He was a pretty handsome man.
I decided not to say anything and went to find my stuff.
I went back to my room and got my backpack. I dumped the contents out on my bed and started going through it.
I feel his gaze on me as I start getting ready for work.
I look up to see him staring intently at my chest.
"I have to work at JYP." I say. He looks away and scratches the back of his head.
"What's JYP?" He asks.
I can't say anything and just start getting dressed.
"I have to go but I'll be back later. Don't leave." I say.
"Can I go with you?" He asks.
I was about to say no but then I realized he could be a potential distraction or worse an annoyance to my boss.
"Yeah sure, come on let's go."

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