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"this was the first time we didn't put someones life near over the edge during a mission" Noelle said crossing her arms.

"(giggles) ah yes, I'm glad as well too"Mimosa replied

"I feel like something life threatening always comes wherever Asta goes" Yuno replied teasingly at Asta making Mimosa giggle

" Oh yeah well.... uh..." Asta tried to make a comeback poorly.

"Mhmmm....." Yuno teased while Asta just screamed in frustration.

     The four mages were on a dungeon quest as they teamed up again. Klaus was busy on another mission and Luck was on another mission as well. The four were walking towards two big doors which looked like the treasure room.

"hmmm... how do we open this?" Noelle said touching the door

"it seems to be made out of magic like the first dungeon we all went through" Mimosa replied as they had terrifying flashbacks.

"Ok, I know what to do!" Asta pulled out his sword and touched the door with it making it slowly disintegrate.

"Hmp! stupid bakasta!" she crossed her arms and looked away from Asta mad.

"what did I do?!" Asta questioned looking at his partner.

     As the doors vanished they saw nothing but a table holding something human sized.

"whos that"

"a pretty big room for only one thing"

     As they went closer and the girl came into view more clearly they saw an angel.

"Y/N" They looked back at Asta with tears in his eyes.

"do you know who she is Asta" Mimosa questioned as they saw their friend slowly walk towards the angel.

     They all had worried looks on their faces when Asta suddenly started running towards the angel.

" Y/N! Y/N!" Asta repeated tears streaming down his face, the others catched up.

     As Asta reached the table he immediately held your held being careful not to hurt your wings.

"Y/N..." He held her face looking into it deeply as he hugged you tightly "I'm sorry"

As he cried the four mages were looking at Asta and at the angel with worried looks. They were wondering if illusion magic was being used but scrapped that idea when he started calling out her name. Who was this girl, that could make a man like Asta cry this hard? It was obvious that it was clearly someone only he knew but was it even human, they thought as their eyes darted to it's big white soft looking wings.

They waited till Asta calmed down a little bit till they asked questions.

"Are you ok?" Yuno asked

"... yeah... I'm sorry I just-" Asta was cutt off

"It's fine Asta." Noelle touched his shoulder trying to comfort him.

"do you know who she is, Aasta?" Mimosa asked touching Asta on his other shoulder.

"she's my sister" Asta replied laying your hair down as he carried you bridal style

All three of them widened their eyes.

"did you know about her, Yuno?"Mimosa asked looking at him

"No..." Yuno replied " Asta are you su-"

"YES... remember when were 4 and I told you about the dreams I shared with an Angel?" Asta replied turning his head to Yuno with a smile as one final tear went down his cheek

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