Chapter 12: Obvious

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"Morning, Peter," I say as I walk past the tent he just walked out of. I had just taken a bath and my hair is all wet. "Didn't you take a bath yesterday?" Peter asks.

"Yes," I reply uncertainly.

"And the day before that?"


"And the day before that?"


"And the day before-"

"Peter!" I giggle, "What's the point?"


"To stay clean...? Don't you take baths daily?"

"Not quite..."

I just shrug and walk back into the tent to look for a brush. Then, I had a great idea. "Peter!"

"Yes, darling?"

"Let's go swimming!!" I say as I walk out of the tent, pulling at my hair.

He smiles and says, "Alright. Get your things. Would you like the Lost Boys to come along?"

"The more the merrier!"

He chuckles and heads off to find the Lost Boys. I figure we'll all probably swim in our clothes, so I just grab an old tank top from my rowing team and spandex. I'm so excited!!


"Who wants to jump in first?" Peter asks as we stand on the edge of a waterfall. Without hesitation, I run and jump into the water. I feel like I'm flying for a few seconds before I plunge deep into the water. It stings for a while before I feel freezing. I paw my way up to the surface and call up, "Come on in! The water's fine!!"

I see one person jump down. I catch a glimpse of brown hair before they hit the water. I wait for them to come up and find out it's Peter. He shakes his head, trying to get the water out of it before looking at me. I smile at him as he smiles back. I'm about to swim towards him when another boy cannonballs right between us. We both burst out laughing as the other boys pile on down.

Once everyone's down, I decide to begin a game. I splash Peter. He looks at me shocked before giving me a devilish grin. He is about to use his magic until, "Peter Pan! No using magic!"

He playfully glares at me. "Fine. It's on."

I smile and splash him again. He throws water my way as I duck beneath the water's surface. I come back up to find another Lost Boy splashing me in the face. I laugh and splash him back. It turns into an all out war! Water was being thrown this way and that.

The water fight turned into a lesson. I was teaching them to do handstands under water, but the splashing still didn't ceased. Soon enough, everyone was tired. We all just started to wade on the water. I lazily swam over to Pan. "Hey, Pan."

"Hello, (y/n)."

There was a pause. A comfortable and relaxing one.

"Come with me," I say as I slowly wade over to the deeper end.

I hear the water shift behind me as I glide on over to the rock. I can't feel ground under my feet, so I kick them to keep my head above water. I decide to dunk my head once because my hair felt gross when it starts to dry. I go under water and back up, smoothing back my hair as I touch the rock. I grasp it and wait for Peter to catch up. I look behind me and see him, looking at me as he swims forward. "This was a good idea, (y/n). I think we all needed to relax a bit after the pirates kidnapped you."

"I used to swim all the time. I could do backflips under water and I could dive without making a single splash, but now I can only do a handstand. Still fun though," I say as I lean my head on the rock. Again, another pause. "Peter, I love this place. I have only had a good time since I got here. You all make me feel like... like I'm someone. I haven't gotten a feeling like that all my life. It's beautiful here too. With adventure! It's like I'm living in a fairytale. No, I am living in a fairytale. Thanks for making this my home."

Peter grinned ear to ear when he heard the word home. "You can stay as long as you like. We all adore you."

I happily hum in appreciation and smile lazily. Soon enough, I find myself staring into his eyes, getting lost in them. We start leaning closer. And closer. And closer. I can feel his breath fan out on my face when I suddenly get yanked downwards. I didn't have much oxygen to begin with, so I suck in some water only to feel a burning sensation in my lungs. I look down to see some dirty blonde hair. Wait... Felix?

He looks up at me and smiles. Felix thrusts me down once more before swimming off, probably to get some air. My lungs have filled with water and my vision is turning black. My hands lose feeling and I stop trying. I feel another hand on mine and pull me upwards. My whole body feels numb as I reach the surface. I find that Peter is the one who pulled me out of the water. He drags me up on shore as I cough up a gallon of water. I twist my body to turn me on my stomach as my hands go on the ground to push myself up. All the Lost Boys gather around, worried.

Peter puts a hand on my back as I finish wheezing. "What happened?" Peter asked.

I look over to a panicked Felix who is standing behind Peter and say, "It... It was a mermaid. She dragged me down under the water."

Felix looks surprised as my gaze returns back to the ground. My whole body shakes. I'm freezing and I just wanna go back to the tent and cuddle up by Trouble... Peter too. "I was sure there were no mermaids around here. Are you sure?"

I nod my head and continue to breathe heavily. "They were just jealous that I was getting more attention from you 'cause you're just too handsome," I joke.

He laughs and gets up, extending a hand for me to take. I get up, but wobble a bit. Peter steadies me. "Careful, darling."

I smile and hook arms with him. "That should keep me steady," I smile.

"You're freezing!" He worries as he unhooked our arms and instead puts one around me, the other rushing to the arm closest to him.

I rest my head on his shoulder as we start to walk. "Don't worry about me. We'll be back at the camp in no time."

"I'll always worry about you."

"And I, you."

I shiver and snuggle closer to Peter. His grip on me tightens. The Lost Boys follow closely behind us, ready to help when needed. I feel a stinging sensation on my foot as I almost trip. Luckily, Peter was holding me so tight, I didn't even have enough room to fall forward. My foot is in immense pain, so I look down at my foot and see a sharp twig has cut through my converse to my foot. Wait, that's not a twig. It's a dagger.

Well, I now have a huge gash on my foot that runs the length of my entire foot. Great. "Ow," I whisper, trying to mask my pain. I fail miserably as tears prick the corners of my eye.

Peter looks at me, then my foot. "There's no way you're walking back to camp like that. Come here, darling," he says as he picks me up. "Who in their right mind would put a dagger right there?!"

"Rufio! Can you please pick it up for me? I wanna use it later. Thanks," I call through my tears.

I proceed to rest my head on Peter's chest. "We're almost back at camp. Alright, darling?"

I nod as I listen to his heart beat. It's like a lullaby. It takes my mind off the pain and helps me calm down. He kisses the top of my head as he hastily walks his way back to his tent. "Thanks, Peter."

"Of course."

We finally make it back and he sets me down next to Trouble, knowing that's exactly where I would want to be. As he instructs the Lost Boys to go get medicine and stuff, I pet Trouble. "How's been my little boy been? Hmmm? Holdin' down the fort for us? Yeah?"

Trouble's head bows signaling he wants his head to be scratched. I scratch his ears, then the top of his head, then snake my way down his nuzzle. He then proceeds to walk over to my foot, sniff it, then come back up to me and rub his head along my stomach. "It's okay, boy. It won't hurt at all in a few hours. Until then, I'm stuck here with you," I giggle.

Trouble growls, then lies down. "I know it's boring, buddy. We should really take you out with us more."

Trouble looks up at me and I swear he smirked. "Yah, yah. I love him. It's pretty obvious, isn't it?"

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