Chapter 6: Love?

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We silently return back to camp after killing (y/n), and we find Peter awake. He is pacing back and forth around the campfire. "What's wrong, Peter?" I ask.

"Oh! There you all are! What happened?"

"(Y/n) knocked you out in an attempt to kill you, but we took care of it."

"Are you sure it was her?"

"Yes. We are positive."

"I'll have to disagree! Can I see the cage? I wonder if I'll remember anything."

"If you must, let's go," I sigh.

We walk over to the cage as I fill him in within 10 minutes. He doesn't trust me! It is obvious it was her!


I don't remember a thing, but I still highly doubt (y/n) did this. Felix told me she was holding my head when they showed up, as if to stop the bleeding.

We get there and I look around at the scene. The cage door is open, and there is a smear of blood on the cage bars. Let me think this through. If (y/n) did try to kill me, she would've knocked me forward, not backward. So I would land with my feet towards the cage, not my head! My head hit the cage! I knew it! (Y/n) didn't try to kill me!

It all starts to come back to me! I was sick and I stumbled back, which caused me to hit my head on the bars, knocking me out!

Wait... Where's (y/n)? "Felix, take me to (y/n)!"

"But she tri-"

"Take me to her! I'll explain later!"

We ran to where (y/n) was. She was on the ground. Blood pooled around her. Hair matted with the thick liquid. I acted quickly and ran to her. I waved my hand over the wound, hoping she wasn't dead. The blood and the wound disappeared. Is she still alive? "Why would you try to kill her?"

"She tried to kill you!"

"No, she didn't! If you guys would've used your heads, then you would've realized that if (y/n) tried to take me out, I would've fell forward! My feet would've been nearest to the cage! However, my HEAD was closest to the cage! She was trying to stop the bleeding! You idiots!" I yell.

Felix looked at the ground. "I'm going back to camp," I mumble.

I pick (y/n) up and fly us back to my tent. I lie her down on my bed, next to her dog, and I figure I should sleep on the ground.

I can't sleep now! They just tried to kill (y/n)! She might be dead! We need to have a serious talk tomorrow. I'm hoping (y/n) comes out of this! She was becoming one of my friends! She is amazing! I didn't think I'd ever meet a girl like that. She's beautiful and funny and sweet and sassy and caring. I think... I think I love her.

---------------- The next morning


I wake up next to Trouble in a bed I don't know in a place I don't know. Is this heaven? Is Trouble dead? I knew they would kill Trouble! I look around and get out of the bed. My wound isn't even there anymore! Neither is Trouble's!

I should go check the rest of heaven out. Is it cloudy? Is it spooky? I walk out and it looks just like Neverland. I see a few Lost Boys. Wait a second... Are they dead too? Is this even heaven? They all look at me apologetically and keep walking. No "good mornings" or "how are you's." No "welcome to heaven's" yet. So I still have no idea what is going on.

I walk out to where I think the campfire should be. I see Felix and Slightly sitting on a log, talking quietly. They look over at me and Slightly's eyes widen, while Felix's stay the same. It looks like he's mad, but sad at the same time. "Guys! I'm not dead, am I?"

"No. Pan saved you. I'm so sorry, (y/n). We didn't know!"

So they did almost kill me... I take a deep breath and tried to channel my anger. No need to make the morning any worse than it is. Slightly looks like he is expecting something. "It's ok. I would've accused me too. Just... NEVER do that again."

Slightly looks amazed and Felix looks surprised. Slightly nods his head.

"Do you know where Pan is?"

"No, we haven't seen him since last night," another Lost Boy responds.

"I'm going to go look for him."

Just then I feel something furry rub against my leg.

"Trouble! I missed you so much!"

I sit down and rub his ears. "Are you okay?"

Trouble barks and wags his tail. "Good. Does Trouble want to go find Pan with me? Yah?"

Trouble barks again. Dogs have a great sense of smell right? Maybe I could use that to my advantage. "Do you guys have anything Pan has recently touched?"

"You. He carried you back," Felix says.

"...Alright. Ummm... Trouble, smell my jacket."

I take it off and set it down. Trouble sniffs it for a second, then sniffs me, then sniffs the jacket again. He barks. He's got something! "Good boy, Trouble!"

I scratch his ears and say, "Let's go get him!"

Trouble runs off into the forest, and I follow right behind him. After about ten minutes, Trouble slows down. We catch our breath and keep walking. Finally, we reached a beach. I see a tiny figure sitting about 200 yards away on the beach. "Good job, Trouble!"

We sprint off towards Pan, and, of course, Trouble wins. Pan looks at us like we are ghosts. Then, he runs up and hugs me. "Hey, Pan."

"(Y/n)! I wasn't sure if you would wake up or not!"

"Of course I would! You saved me!"

"I'm just so glad you're alive."

"We haven't known each other for that long and we're already best friends. I think that's pretty amazing."

I mean, I don't know if he thinks we are best friends, but I took a shot. Let's see what he says...

"It is, isn't it?"

Trouble interrupts our hug by jumping in between us and barking.

I look down and say, "Does Trouble want some love, too?"

He barks as I pet him. "What were you doing out here, Pan?"

"I was thinking about what to say to the Lost Boys."

"That's ok, I already forgave 'em."


"I mean, I would've accused me!"

"But they tried to kill you!"

"But they looked so sorry! I mean, Felix might not have... I wasn't sure. But everyone else looked like they're feeling terrible!"

"Again, must I say they tried to MURDER you? Emotions don't make up for trying to kill you!"

"I don't know. I guess I don't value my life as much as you do."

I covered my mouth as soon as I realized what I said. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone! Trouble looked over at me and whimpered. Peter was looking at me with this, "Are you kidding" face.

"(Y/n). You've got to be kidding. You're amazing!"

I blush, but try to hide it. "Thanks Peter. Sorry, I didn't mean to say that.."

"You don't have to be sorry! You know, there is such a thing as 'too modest.'"

"Shut up," I playfully shove him. "They taught me to keep personal matters, personal at the orphanage."


So, I will spare you the long monologue I told Peter. It was just my backstory. You know, my parents, the orphanage. Just that stuff. Boring stuff.

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