Chapter 2

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  One of the engines had blown.

  The plane spun, barreling towards the ground. Somewhere in the mix it ending up splitting in half.

  You only woke up because of the splitting headache. You tried to sit up but couldn't. The pain was unbearable. You clutch your stomach with one hand and put the other on your head. Your head was bleeding. You must of hit it or something.

  "Y/n?!" A voice called out. You raise your head up. You muster everything you can to make out a good "help."

  Spencer and Derek ran over to you. They didn't seem to be hurt, a couple bruises and scratches but nothing serious. You smiled when you saw them.

  A small piece of debris lay on your legs. They attempted to hold it up but Dereks arm gave away. He screamed in pain.

  "What's-whats wrong?" You say, trying to sit up again, almost falling back down.

  "Looks like his arm is broken." Spencer told you. "Okay Morgan, I'm gonna have to reset it."

  His eyes widened. He knew he had to or else it wouldn't heal right. He would lose circulation and the limb would eventually go numb and die off. Spencer grabbed his shoulder and he yelped.

  "Wait!" You yelled. You extended your hand to Dereks open hand. You both nod your heads.

  Spencer got ready. He counted down from 3 but he did it a second earlier so Derek wouldn't pull away last minute. His screams filled the air and he squeezed your hand, having a death grip. You closed your eyes trying to escape this place. You just wanted to go home.

  Rossi made his way over by listening to the screams. He saw you.

  "Oh kid..."

  Together the three of them lifted the debris off you. They propped you and Derek against a part of the planes wing, using it for support. A random jacket that lay on the ground was wrapped as a cast around his arm.

  Spencer and Rossi went to look for the others. They were in the front of the plane, somewhere else in this deep forest.

  You two heavily breathe in pain. You held his open hand. Your mind was racing. Not from the pain but more so on what Spencer was trying to tell you. What did he want to say? Really y/n? You were just in a fucking plane crash and this is all you could think about?

  After what seemed like forever, one by one the team found their way over to where you were posted up.

  Emily also hit her head and stumbled to make her way over. Blood covered her face. Hotch seemed unharmed and he was carrying some luggage he found. Spencer and Rossi brought over an unconscious JJ and began cpr. She eventually woke up coughing and groaning in pain. The pilot and everyone in the cockpit had perished.

  The luggage contained some granola bars and Cheetos for food. There was enough water that everyone got 2 bottles, a first aid kit, and it also contained some materials to make a fire. No flare gun.

  By the time night fell it became very cold. You all huddled in a close and tight circle around the small fire Spencer made. Everywhere you looked was black. You felt like you were being watched, that any moment something or someone would emerge from the darkness and most likely kill you.

  There was one rule. No falling asleep.

  If you did, you would never wake up. Simple as that.

  It was hard. Your eyes flickered and your head bobbed every so often. Spencer sat next to you.

  "Hey. Don't fall asleep okay?" He lightly shook you. His hands were warm and his voice was soothing. You tried your best. It was all anyone could do.

  As the night went on, the temperature kept dropping. At some point you rested your throbbing head on Spencer's shoulder. You couldn't even remember if you fell asleep or not. The only thing that you thought of was your aching stomach and how your head was going to blow off at any minute.

This would continue on for 5 long days as Garcia tried her best to locate you all.

  Hope was lost as the day's went on. You lost all faith.

  Would you all make it out of this alive?

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