Part I...

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Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, events and incidents appearing in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, or actual events are purely coincidental.

I was the one who was been here for him the whole three years, but at the end of the fourth year,
he called her name


I have a bestfriend named Neptune. I met him when we were in seventh grade. He automatically got my attention because he was my seatmate during the first day of classes. We bacame good friends. I got comfortable hanging around with him for we both share the same humor and perspectives in life.

When we reached the 9th grade, I started to feel something towards him. That was the time I know that I'm crushing my bestfriend! I can't blame myself because his innocent looks improved a lot. He attracts too many girls in the campus making them jealous towards me because I'm so close to him. Yes, I'm close to him, I'm his friend, his bestfriend. I know all his favorite stuffs, secrets, his happy and sad moments, but I'm not happy about it. Because I know I'm only up to this level. I'm forever stuck with this friendzone thing.

Despite the zero chance I have in myself, I decided to take my chances on him. So, I changed my looks, from improving my wardrobe, putting a bit of a make-up, hanged out with my girl friends and made myself pretty everytime I'm with Neptune. He immediately noticed it and he was happy that I'm finally dressing up for a guy. He thought I'm pursuing somebody while I did all of these for him to fall for me.

It took me months before I gained courage to finally confess my feelings to Neptune. We're already in our 10th grade and this is my last chance to tell my feelings for him. But that didn't happen.

One Saturday morning, Neptune and I had plans to go for a walk with our pet dogs but he cancelled it because he told me he had to meet someone. I thought it was just for a school work but it turns out, it was actually a date. My bestfriend is now dating a pretty girl from our school.

His date news spread like wildfire. And after a week, they were officially together. How come that he didn't told me a single thing about his new girl? I am his bestfriend. I supposed to know the things that's going on with him.

Everyone was happily talking about them. Who wouldn't? They're a perfect picture of a perfect couple. They look good together. But how about me? I'm sure he doesn't need me anymore. With his new girl, I'm sure I'm not the one who'll he calls if he's bored, sad, happy and hungry. Or if he wants to walk his dog, watch a movie, share his secret, and have some crazy moments with him. He may even forget my existence at all.


He waved at me while I'm sitting at a corner of the classroom reviewing for the upcoming examination.


"Can you do that later? I-I wanna talk to you"

Ofcourse I can, I will and I would. Anything for you, Neptune.

"I haven't talked to you for a long time now. So what change?"

"Nothing has changed with me, Net. But a lot did change with you... I see you got a girl now"

"Ah, yeah. I'm sorry I haven't introduced her to you, yet. But I will, if you introduced me to the boy who inspires to take a bath"

I wanted to laugh so hard. He wanted me to introduced him to himself?

I rolled my eyes infront of him. "His name is Harry Styles. He's in my house, just care to visit him there"

"Silly. Stop dreaming about that guy. Anyways, if Aira passby this room, I'll let you meet her"

He Called Her NameWhere stories live. Discover now