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Ok yay first chapter ima post a one shot with my OC nova, @sarahcorduroy.gaurdiansofgf's OC, @timelorddipper.gaurdiansofgf's dipper, Fitzgerald.jermey's OC, Dylan,'s OC, Nolan. Ok it has some feels at the end so yeah ok.


The group of friends huddled together. "What are we gunna do for her birthday?" Sarah, the smaller girl asked. Dipper smiled, he had an idea as always. Nolan and Dylan looked like little confused idiots at the moment. They all nodded. The walked into her room. "Hey nova! We came to celebrate your birthday!" Dylan cheered, his normal optimistic sprit kicking in. Everyone stared at their friend happily but sad. They sighs as Sarah took the hand of the coma patient, nova. "It's been six months, come on nova wake up."

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