Chapter 6

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I tried to open my eyes, but couldn't open them.

I tried to open my eyes this time with a little more force and I succeed.

After my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, I looked around. I don't know this place, but I was in a railway station. I have never been here before, but there was nothing normal about this station.
This station was looking like centuries old and it was totally barren, not a single living person could be seen.

"What the hell is going on and what the hell I'm doing here"? I talked to myself loudly because I was getting scared of this silence, and it wasn't any peaceful silence. This was a dead silence like in a graveyard and I was getting goosebumps from it.

"It was like I'm in hell, but it's not possible because I'm alive. Right?" I talked to myself again.

"Great, now I'm going insane because I'm talking to myself and there's no one I can talk to." I kept talking loudly to ease myself a little.

"Maybe I can find someone in the ticket counter," I said to myself.

I started walking around in search of the ticket counter.

In the way, I saw a waiting room for passengers, and it was completely barren. All the benches were broken and spider webs were hanging everywhere as this place had never cleaned in centuries.

Soon I found the ticket counter, but it was locked from the outside.

"Now what should I do"? I asked myself.

"I think, I should get back where I came from, and try to find someone or a way to get out from here.

I got back to the station and looked around again for some way, but it was in vain.
I sat down on the ground, and I was feeling so tired after all the running.

"Ok, let's calm yourself and think clearly.
First: I dreamed about a hunting Mansion. Then, that feeling like someone was watching me.

Second: how the hell I reached here?
And the most important of all the things?

Third: why am I here? Why me? Why not any other person? What is the purpose of all this?" I made a list of questions.

Questions, questions, questions. I have so many questions, but I don't even have the answer to one question.

One thing is for sure that this is also a dream, but I don't know how to wake up from this dream.

I don't know why all this happening to me.
This is another question to which I have no answer.

Before I can think of a way to get to my home, I saw a girl standing a distance away from me. Her back was facing me.

I cried happily and start running towards her.

"Hey hey! I am here. Can you help me?" I asked her still running.

When I reached her and asked again.

"Hello! Can you help me? I don't know how to get out of this place. I... I want to go home. Please help me." I said and nearly begged her.

She started to turn around. When she turned completely. I took two steps back in horror.

Her face looked just like mine.
It was like I'm standing in front of a mirror. We looked the same except our dresses were different.

I was wearing blue jeans with a black t-shirt while she was dressed in a long old-fashioned red gown.

She was like my carbon copy, but she was looking like she belonged to a different world. Her hairstyle, her outfit was completely different from mine.

I was still in shock when she opened her mouth.

"Run." She said.

"What"? I asked her.

"Run." She said again.

"I know what are you saying, but why"? I asked her again.

She lifted her hand and pointed toward my back.

I turned around in hurry, but there was no one there.

"What are you trying to tell me? There is no one behind me. I said now with a little worry.

"She is coming. Run." She said again still pointing toward my back.

"Who is coming? There is no one.
Please help me. I want to go home." I begged her.

"Run. She is coming for you." She repeated again like a robot l.

"Who is coming for me"? I asked her in horror.

She pointed towards my back.
I turned again, but still, there was no one.

"Look, now it's getting too much. You just..." I said turning around but stopped.
She wasn't there anymore.

"Hey, where is she? She can't just disappear like that." She said to me almost crying.

"Hey, where are you? I need your help. Please help me. Come back here, please." I started yelling.

I sat down crying loudly.

Suddenly, I heard a twitch behind me.
I turned around in hope that she came back for me.

I screamed and stood up.

There was another girl. She was wearing a gown just like the girl before. But the thing which forced me to scream so loudly was the smile on her face.

She was smiling with an open mouth.
It was the smile of a manic. Her smile was so creepy that I was getting goosebumps on my skin.

She started coming towards me still smiling. I looked around for any way to get away from the girl, but couldn't find anything.

She was coming near me. So, I started backing away.

Now I started running. I don't know where I was going, but I just want to get away from her.

Now she was laughing like a madwoman. I looked back at her. She was still coming towards me. Just I turned around to run faster, I bumped into something and everything fell into darkness.

To be Continued...

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See you guys next time.😍🤩😃

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