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lizzy is your girlfriend . you two have been together for about a year now , and you've never been happier . currently , you two were taking a small walk around south park , chatting happily with one another .

that's when you coincidentally bumped into someone . . . familiar , to you at least . upon further inspection , it was one of your old friends . lizzy didn't want to intrude on your little reunion , so she stood back and watched you and your old friend happily greet each other .

you two began to talk , catching up on what has been happening in your lives . but , this old friend of yours started to ask . . . odd questions . kind of personal or even suggestive questions , causing you to get uncomfortable .

" are ya dating anyon — " lizzy immediately stepped in before they could even finish the next question , wrapping an arm around your shoulder as she glared daggers at them .

" actually , they do . and it's me . " she sternly spoke . " go away . you aren't being slick with your weird ass questions at all , you fucking creep . "

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