Chapter 1: The Student Council play a Game

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It was a wonderful winter in Shuchi'in Academy. The snow covering some areas, students throwing snowballs at their friends, and then there's Taki Miyazono, who is the General Historian of the Student Council. He's playing his beloved violin gracefully and music fills the Student Council Room. 

Taki hums in sync with his playing of the music. It was all relaxing until Chika enters the room with a board game.

"Hi guys!" Chika excitedly says while Taki stops his playing to greet her.

"Good day, Fujiwara-san!" Taki places his Violin & Bow in the case. Chika announces the board game, again.

"Let's play the Banned Word game again!" Chika announced loudly inside the room.

"I refuse" Ishigami says as he continues to play his game.

"Ishigami-kun, you don't want to get beaten up by a newspaper again right?" Chika warns him, forcing him to join in.

"Okay okay. I'll play with you"

"Iino-san, Kaguya-san, President? How about you guys?", she asks the others.

"I-I'd love to play, Fujiwara-senpai" Iino replies

"I'm going to join in" Kaguya replies to her

However, no reply was given by the president. He was simply looking at the reports and incidents that happened at the Board Games Club.

"Why were you in an incident, Fujiwara?" Shirogane asks her

"Long story, president. Now come, let's play the game again!" Chika grabs his wrist and pulls him to the table. Now, all of them are seated around a big table.

"Okay so, rules are simple. You need to write a word in a piece of paper then give it to the person beside. You mustn't say the word that you wrote" Chika states the rules as everyone gives their paper to the person beside them.

"Now, open the game! It has begun!!"

Taki suddenly felt a sharp "pain" in his knee. Kaguya then stands up, concerned for him.

"Taki, are you hurt? Are you okay?" 

Taki, who was beside Kaguya, remembered that the word that she wrote was 'hurt'. 

"You're out of the game, Kaguya!" Taki tosses the paper up and Kaguya has lost to the violinist.

The game continues for several minutes, until only 3 players are left: Shirogane, Miyazono, and Fujiwara.

The three players seem to be on a stalemate but, Shirogane thought of something else to eliminate either of the two.

"If I eliminate Miyazono first, then eliminate Fujiwara, I'll be in first place. I hope this one works", Shirogane thought that his so called plan will work. But, it's the opposite.

"Miyazono, can you teach me the Violin?"

HIS FATAL MISTAKE!! He wasn't aware that Fujiwara was beside him and she has his paper. 

"You're out, yo!", an unexpected breeze came out of nowhere and revealed the word in the paper: 'Violin'

It's only Fujiwara and Miyazono in the table. Shirogane ended up in third place because he suddenly forgot the word that he wrote. A menacing aura is emitted just the two of them having a showdown. 

"Huh? It's almost nighttime. Let's fi--"

"You're out of the game, Fujiwara-san!", Taki reveals the word to her, which was 'nighttime'. Taki announces while the two of them do a handshake. Everyone applauded Taki for defeating Chika in the banned word game.

After that, everyone went home. Shirogane took his bike, Kaguya was fetched via car, and then there's Fujiwara and Miyazono. 

The two are practically neighbors because Taki just lives a shy 5m away from her house. Plus, they are actually childhood friends.

"Hey, Taki-san. Why'd you learn the violin?" Chika asks him while fidgeting her fingers.

"I learned about it because I just love classical music in general. It also has a soothing tone to it" he replies while holding his violin case. 

"Well, I'm already here at my home. I'll see you tomorrow, Taki-san", Chika waves at her friend while Taki walks back home. Taki enters the house, and sees his sister rushing towards.

"Welcome home!", his sister gives him a warm hug, which made him smile as always. "Thanks for the hug, Shoko", Taki thanks his older sister, who just like two years older than him. Taki places his case down and proceeds to go to the dining area.

Taki takes a seat beside his caring sister while they eat dinner.

"So, how was your day at the council room?", she asked him after eating a piece of chicken katsu.

"It was fine, Shoko. We also had a fun game with Fujiwara-san"

"You mean the pink haired girl with the bow on her bangs? I still don't know if that bow defies the laws oh physics", Shoko joked as Taki finishes his meal.

"Mhmm", Taki says as he fixes the table and washes the dishes together with his sister. 

After washing the dishes, they proceed to go to their rooms. Taki laid down on his bed and had a nice chat with the council.

"When will someone appreciate my violin skills other than Fujiwara-san and my sister?" he thought to himself.

Meanwhile in the Shinomiya Estate

Kaguya was having a chat with her friends. As usual, she's still shy in texting Shirogane. Meanwhile, Hayasaka suddenly enters the room to seek for help.

"Kaguya-san, do you know Taki Miyazono?", her voice sounds like she's panicking.

"Y-Yes, Ai-chan. Why?"

"O-Oh nothing. I'm curious because I've heard that he's a great violinist" Hayasaka calms down in order to get some air again.

"Why ask me? Do you want violin lessons from him?"

"N-No. He's my friend anyway so I'm okay without any violin lessons from him" Hayasaka replied to her.

"Well, I just want to hear him play the violin though" Hayasaka thought to herself while she exits the room. She suddenly stopped for a second to hear something.

"One day, Ai-chan. You'll hear him play the violin and trust me. He's very good" Kaguya added in the convo.

"Well, I'll go to sleep now. Night, Ai-chan!" she greets Hayasaka goodnight as she closes the door.

Love is War AU: Hayasaka and the ViolinistWhere stories live. Discover now