Have you ever had a boyfriend before?

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I waited for Mela to come back from the bathroom. She didn't take her phone I grabbed and checked it I was bored, I saw her picture on the lock screen.

It was a selfie, she looked dumb as usual

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It was a selfie, she looked dumb as usual. I chuckled. I couldn't open her phone it had a password. I tried to write a common password like four zeros and but she wasn't that dumb it didn't work. I put it away.

Mela came back finally, she sat down and continued to solve the problems. I kept staring at her I was so sleepy. I woke up so early today and not just that, I had long night yesterday with professor Garcia.

I felt my eyes burn, I closed them to rest a little bit and before I knew it, I was asleep.

I woke up feeling a tap on my shoulder, I opened my eyes to see Mela smiling shyly at me, she finished her math problems and lifted a Note that says " come on let's go home "

I chuckled rubbing my eyes, " alright " I stood up realizing that the table was clean. I wanted to motion for the waitress but Mela signaled to me that she payed for everything.

" no you shouldn't have, here " I went for my pocket but Mela insisted and put her hand on mine to stop me she then quickly took her hand back shyly.

I watched her interestingly ...  does this girl gets shy just by touching a mans hand. What would she be doing when her boyfriend kisses her or sleep with her. God I feel sorry for him, I bet she never even have a boyfriend.

We walked out of the cafeteria " get in, I'll drive you home " she shook her head no smiling.

" come on I insist " she backed away slowly, I could feel she was uncomfortable. What's wrong with her?

" okay ... as you wish ... " I said without smiling as I started the car and went to my place.

I couldn't believe it I'm finally home, I threw myself on the bed. I was so tired. Without even knowing it, I drifted to sleep.

I woke up at 9 pm, I slept too much. But I gotta stay on schedule, tonight must be Rebecca's last night. I got into my car and drove to her place, while calling her.

" so~ we're doing it in your place tonight~ " she said as she got in and before I could say anything she kissed me. I smirked at her as she did the same. I drove straight to her death.


Mela's pove

Beside the window I sat looking outside as it rained. I was thinking about Sangwoo. He's such a good Man for doing this for free, I love considerate people. But there's something about him that's so ....... sad ...

Sangwoo, I hope you find your dream and be happy. May god reward you as much as your good deeds. I'll never forget your favor ❤️.

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