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God help him and don't be merciful. I  needed to get a grip and now before I  lose control over myself I can't do this not now. I  watched her pick out a princess movie just to tease me. It seemed  walking out of the room, her hips swaying in the cinched up in my shorts, my shirt falling off her shoulder showing there was no bra on...oh how good it would be to see more of her creamy white skin. Fuck.. I thought having to readjust himself he was for sure in danger. He needed to make sure he got through this evening without trying anything. It would scare her off and I didnt want to lose her. She was his salvation. 
Ren managed to keep himself together for the majority of the film only slipping twice leaning in too close making comments about if they did this they would have won and- smelling her intoxicating sweet scent that drove him mad...

Kyoko felt safe next to Ren. He was honestly a good guy to watch movies with and get acting tips so whenever I finally get to play a princesses part I won't make their mistakes. It was nice the room was warm it made her sleepy...

She is asleep...I sighed when I  saw this. 
The two of them had been chatting the  next she had dozed off making the shirt she had fall off her shoulder farther  she was trying me. I  might seem unbothered by everything but there was some things even I  wasn't going to not react to and sadly she looked to hot in my shirt that swallowed her body and pants that where there by would fall if she stood up 
I goan and leans my head against her wishing I  could voice how I  felt for this girl to the world but sadly I  couldn't now without fear of ruining both their careers i  would be patient and just try to work on loving her more in the meantime making them both happy I  thought as he drifts off too
It was all darkness before she saw it again and again before a weight came over her.

KYOKO! I  woke up with a start when she started twitching against his shoulder causing him to stress out as it continued . "Kyoko? Kyoko?! KYOKO?" I kept trying to wake her up, getting more and more worried until  finally her beautiful golden eyes shutter open watery. "Wha-?" She started to say, her voice crackling with sleep. "Mr.Tugara.. " 
"Yes Kyoko?" I said quickly concerned  for her.
Kyoko slowly remembers why she's there. "I'm sorry what happened?"
"You were twitching in your sleep and crying."
Kyoko looks down at her hands not saying a word 
"Kyoko?"  Damn it all, throw this to the wind I'm holding her. 
"Can I hold you? It might bring you comfort."
Kyoko wordless nods inside freaking out,"Yes?" She nods and shifts closer to him.
I  slowly pull her slim form towards me, enveloping her, smelling her sweet smell mingling with mine. Smiling softly at her I  said softly, "Kyoko?"
She gave a muffled sound that sounded like a yes.
"You smell nice."
I could feel Kyoko's blush without seeing it and chose to bring up what's been bothering me. "Kyoko you can call me Ren you know." 
"But you're my-"She starts before I cut her off. 
"I know I insist please. We have known each other for 3 years now. You always slip right back into this every few months. 
Kyoko nods, "Ok Ren-" She starts to say but yelps as my hand jerks up grabbing her chest as the dryer  beeped loudly scaring both of them. 
"I-" She starts.
"I-" I start both of them bright red. I  jumped up dropping her and looking away. "I'M SORRY." 

Kyoko looks at the ground red. She had been touched. After all, it was a normal response."It's ok Ren, it was an accident." She all but shrieked out.
"I'll go get your clothes." I said, managing to cool myself from the outside walks out of the room to the laundry room.

I managed to keep my cool and get her clothes out of the dryer and to her before I had to excuse myself to his bathroom.


I sit on the bathroom floor shrugging off my pants now a touch too tight to see the tent of fabric of my  boxers. "Ugh.." I goan and  take them off, letting himself free. 
"Well I guess there is no other choice…" 
I  groaned in ecstasy feeling her slide over me, her slick tightness holding me firmly as she moved up and down my hands on her ass, making her slam down on my  cock. "Mmm good job just like that, angle yourself forward." 
Kyoko does so hesitantly. 
I moans again feeling so close before she leans forward releasing my cock as he cummed. 
I breathed heavily looking at the ceiling. Damn it had to have a fantasy now. 1 stand up, and clean my body  off and fixes my before redressing and heading out to Kyoko. 


I meet Kyoko by the door, shrugging my overcoat on. Without looking at her I ask, "ready to go?" 
"Yes I'm ready." She replies without looking at me
We were quickly walking to my car when there suddenly was carnival music? I look up. 

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