"I had to ask since I had them in the jogger's you wore yesterday" I tore my eyes away from him and stared the box feeling my heart pounding.

"What do you think is inside of here?" He asked and I looked around wondering why he was acting so weird.

"Um I don't know" I hesitantly answered, he opened it and it was a pair of ruby earrings. I felt my heart sink in disappointment but I didn't want him to notice so I put on a fake smile. The earrings were still cute and the red was a deep red.

"Victoria wanted me to give them to you but I forgot where I had them hidden until I saw you wearing the pants and then I remembered" Gabe handed me the box and I muttered thank you examining the beautiful dark red earrings. I turned around placing them on my nightstand behind me.

"We should go to bed..." I nodded my head agreeing while staying quiet. Thirty minutes passed and I was still wide awake still thinking about the red box. I knew I was overthinking the situation... I actually thought he was going to have a ring, even though we've been dating for almost eight months. It was still too early. I can get ahead of myself sometimes... but why was I still expecting a ring. I laid my head on his chest slowly falling asleep by listening to the thumps of his heart beats.


"As you approach nine months have you read the books we recommended on first time births?... especially twin births? If that's the route you and Gabriel are taking" Caitlin asked and I nodded my head before I can say something Gabriel spoke up.

"I read that there's a chance that she can go into labor early... and she's going to be nine months in a few weeks... if that happens can something happen to the twins or even Gaby herself?" Gabe asked grabbing my hand, tightly squeezing it.

"No problems, hopefully but they may be premature and will have to stay in the hospital for a few days or a week just to manage their weight and see if everything's okay... most pregnant women with twins go into labor earlier than those with one child. So right now just two weeks before your due date it's a possibility you'll go into labor early and it's completely normal with twin but you can carry them to full term" She explained and I felt Gabriel squeeze my hand tight. I looked down at him but he was to busy focusing on Caitlin as she spoke so I looked back at her feeling my eyes closing heavy.

"Alright you're ready to go... I'll see you when your your babies are around one week old... and follow up about every month for their vaccine" She said leaving the room and I wiped off the jelly, throwing the tissue in the garbage can.

"Are you scared about giving birth?" Gabriel asked while helping me get off the bed and he helped me place on the furry thick sweater.

"No I'm not... it's not like I'm going to tear my vagina. I'm definitely getting epidural... fuck all that natural birth bullshit I saw in the book, I need drugs while I deliver" I said pecking his lips and he laughed looking down at me with this different look in his eyes. I looked up confused and I felt my cheeks heat us as he stares at me intensely.

"What?" I said and he shrugged looking from me quickly.


"Mateo prendi il tacchino dal forno!" Gabriel's mom Valentina yelled from the large dining room and walked in Mateo and Victoria who came out the kitchen with the turkey and potato salad.

(Mateo get the turkey from the oven!)

The house smelled good with the many food courses on the long dining table and Valentina's food is so fucking good. One of the many reasons why I love Thanksgiving, I forgot it was Thanksgiving until Gabriel surprised us by coming home early and told us to all get dressed to go to his mother's place.

"Gaby come va?" I turned around seeing Valentina with a beautiful wine colored dress that hugged her curves perfectly and I smiled giving a hug.

(Gaby how is everything?)

"Sto bene, come stai?" She looked at me surprised and started giggling while looking around, her cheeks slightly blushing.

(I'm doing good, how are you?)

"Ahh I'm doing good too darling, I see you've been working on your Italian even more. You don't sound weird like before" I looked at her not shocked. Did I really talk weird when I talked in Italian before!?

"I sounded weird?!" I asked surprised because I couldn't tell.

"Just a little, like someone just learning it but that was the reason either way you sound much better now... a true Italian at heart" Her heavy accent comes through as she pronounces each word roughly. Valentina grabbed my hand and led me to my designated spot on the dining table.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" Yelled Ava as she walked in with her ipad and we all laughed at her cuteness.

"So we should be expecting the babies soon, I hear you're eight months already Gaby right?" Gabriel's older sister Victoria asked and I nodded my head.

"Yes, the twenty-eight of this month would be my last week of being eight months. My due date is nearing so yes we could be expecting the babies early December"

"Do you have any names for the boys?" Gabriel's older brother Manuel asked while he carved the turkey.

"She's naming one of them Ryder..." Jayden jumped into the conversation and I glared at him meanwhile Manuel and everyone else began laughing.

"I hope you don't choose that name... it's a good name but no offense those babies are Hispanic and Italian... do you have any other names in mind?" Valentina asked... fuck of course I forgot the names. I moved my leg hitting Gabriel giving him the signal to answer for me and he looked up at his mother smiling.

"Lorenzo and Luca mama" He said instantly and I saw the smiles on both parents faces in approval. Conversations soon started to die down and everyone was busy eating except Gabriel and his father who were speaking in Italian. It's moments like this that I wish I could understand Italian more but I was slowly learning and understanding, some words were still to complex and they speak it fast.

"Devo proporre qui? Nel cortile?" Gabriel said to his father and I notice Victoria looking up instantly with a eyebrow raised.

(Should I propose here? In the backyard?)

"Puoi se vuoi, nevica quindi sembrerà romantico" Mateo said glancing over at me then at Victoria giving her a look and she looked away.

(You can if you want to, it's snowing so it'll look romantic)

"Va bene" I felt Gabriel's hand on my thigh, he slowly slides his hand up and down my leg giving me butterflies and I look up at him smiling enjoying this moment.



"Can we talk outside?" Interrupted Gabe and I looked back seeing him standing by the living room entrance, I nodded my head nervously seeing his fingers fidgeting like he was nervous.

You Right - Doja Cat ft The Weeknd

EDITED 1/9/2024

LISTENING TO: Feel My Rhythm - Red Velvet

Thank you for reading❤️
Sorry for the short chapter, I promise the next one will be longer🤍

Thank you for reading❤️Sorry for the short chapter, I promise the next one will be longer🤍

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