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"Hi," I said. I tried to cover the surprised look on my face but I didn't plan on seeing Harry at my door.

"Hey, you left your purse in the car," he said. He handed me the small clutch I had brought with me to the awards show.

"Thanks, um.. Do you want to come in?" I asked, pulling back the door.

He shook his head. "Why? So we can just hurt each other even more?"

"I love you. I still want to be with you. I want to make this work," I said.

Harry sighed and walked inside. "We have been over this, Gee. It just doesn't make sense for us to be together. We keep hurting each other and I can't take any more heartbreak and I don't think you can either. You're not supposed to person you love like we keep hurting each other."

"You're the only one I want, Harry. I don't want any one else. We can try one more time. We can make it work. I promise I'll be good to you. Think of all we could have with each other. I'm here with you on tour.. We can try for a baby again, whenever you're ready. Whenever we're both ready. Please don't give up on us," I pleaded. I didn't want to start crying.

"Georgia, please," he grasped my arms. "You know why we can't do any of that. Please stop making this so hard on the both of us,"

I bit my lip. "Don't you love me anymore?"

Harry opened and closed his mouth. "Of course I do. But-"

He was cut off by a pounding on the door.

"Jesus Christ, ignore that," I said. I glanced back at Harry and he was shaking his head at me.

"Let's just let it go, Gee," he said. He walked towards the door and opened it to see jesse who was standing on the other side of the door.

Harry didn't say anything to me as he walked past jesse and turned down the hallway of the hotel.

"Did I interrupt something?" Jesse asked. "You said to come over?" He sounded confused.

I swallowed the hurt in my throat. "Yeah, let's go get drunk."

Jesse nodded. "Are you sure, you know we can just hang out here and talk if you want. I don't mind."

I smiled at him. "No, that's okay. Talking about it is honestly just going to make it worse for me. I just need a night to not be alone in my head."

"I know just the place then."

Harry's POV

This date was going to be a sham. I had no desire to be going on any dates. It was the last thing I wanted to do at this moment. What I really wanted to do was drink myself into oblivion. No, that's a lie. What I really wanted to do was be with my sweet Georgia. But I couldn't. We couldn't be together. It didn't work anymore. We were broken beyond repair and we both needed to get over each other. So that's why I was going on this date. In my attempt to get over her. I hoped it would eventually work.

I had my driver take me to the restaurant and once arrived went to the table booked under my name. She was there, waiting.

Kate was her name. She was blonde and petite. Cute, half english and half Spanish. She looked nothing like my Gee which was perfect. That's what I wanted when I asked my agent if she had any single friends. My agent knew everything. She had to - she had to know for publicity purposes and when to make statements and deny claims and when to make no comment at all.

Kate was boring. She didn't want to talk about anything other than her last ex-boyfriend who turned out to be a model and quite frankly after the first fifteen minutes I was bored and wanted to leave. But I stuck it out, even taking her out for a drink afterwards but it was nothing like it was hanging out with Georgia. I don't think anyone could ever compare.

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