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What you Wear

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What you Wear

Name: Y/n

Age: 20's

Friend: Seigbert

Lord of Nohr and religious to the Dusk Dragon

Goal take the capital of Riegan that Y/n thinks it's a holy place.

Info: Y/n is lord of the church of Nohr and he decided to go west until he founds about how he thinks the heretics are leading by a different skin leader that is part of the different religion. He argues until he was kicked out until he comes back with Seigbert and his army to reclaim the holy lands.

Weapons: the picture up top

His banner of the coat of arms and his allegiance to the heir of Nohr

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His banner of the coat of arms and his allegiance to the heir of Nohr.

Siegbert who is now somewhere in his 20's and joins Y/n on his crusade

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Siegbert who is now somewhere in his 20's and joins Y/n on his crusade. He now carries his father's sword to be like him.

 He now carries his father's sword to be like him

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Y/n and Siegbert's army

That's it and I hope you enjoy it.

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