💖Chapter one💖 The first glance

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Blas walked into the great hall, Blas was a  Slytherin. HE knew of Draco but was too shy to ever speak to him. Blas although he was bullied for being a muggle born Blas didn't care. He was infatuated with Malfoy. Blas sat down with his best friends Flinders the half monkey half human skater, Xilly the year 1 child and Pan the Herbology Professor who sold drugs to kids on the side as the teacher pay was shit. 

"Hey Blas, you filthy mudblood! You absolute discussing piece of shit!" Draco insulted, as he walked up to Blas fixing his hair. 

"Hey Draco." Blas blushed a scarlet red. Blas look at Draco's deep blue eyes and the way Draco's dry crispy hair glistened with and hair gel. "Why are you here?" Blas asked.

"I want you to come to my party you pink haired abomination!" Draco demanded, as he walked away. Blas knew he had to go as it was his chance to kiss Draco. Wow I can't believe he asked me to go to a party! Blas though as he started to eat his glizzly. 

"Wow I can't believe Draco asked you to come to his party!" Flinders grunted, as he picked up the banana.  Blas was so exited that he pissed his pants. 

It was later that day and Blas was in his dorm thinking of what to wear to the party. His roommate the half human half Rabbit Pie was helping him pick out an outfit. Blas was searching high and low in his carboard for something to wear.

"Pie what do you think I should wear?" Blas asked, looking to pie for advice. Pie look at Blas and tough for a bit then replied.

"Where is my food? Feed me Blas! I haven't eaten in months." Pie announced.

"Oh so I should wear the cat girl cosplay! Oh pie I knew you could help me!" Blas smiled, as he picked up the dress. Blas put it on and was ready to head out to the party.  

Blas X Draco MalfoyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant