Y/n:I was. Last time...

Weiss:You're not joking this time!?

Yang:Yes! Kiss!

Y/n:Nah I'm just pullin ya leg.


Yang:Noooo! So close!

Ruby:Awww Weiss! Why don't you do it? It's obvious you like him.


Yang:Yeah! After you got the milkshake for her, she was surprised that you were kind enough to offer her something. And she always takes quick glances at you while you aren't looking.

Y/n:That's....Okay then. Time for me to go. Goodbye!

I rushed out the room

Y/n:Okay then....... Me no like day.

Ring ring


Pyrrha:(scroll-call)Hey Y/n? Think you can come and help Jaune with his hand to hand combat?

Y/n:Sure thing love.

I hung up immediately after saying am that and went to the roof

Y/n:Hey guys.

Pyrrha:(blushing)Hey Y/n...


Y/n:Sorry I was late. I was at a gas station earlier and this old lady was in front of me in line. When she turned around she was shocked. She said" You look just like my son that passed away." I said "really?"She said yeah. When she checked out she asked me if I could say goodbye mom. And so I did, I said "goodbye mom" and she smiled before walking away.

Pyrrha:How Nice.

Y/n:Yeah...When I went to check out my stuff, the cashier said "that will be 79 dollars". I said "what!? Why!?" He said it's because that lady wanted her son to pay for her stuff. So I ran out the building and ran after her, well she started running away and tripped so I grabbed her by the ankle and started pulling her leg.


Y/n:Just as I am pulling yours.

Pyrrha:Oh I get it!

Jaune:Okay That was a pretty good joke!

Pyrrha:Yeah! It sounded so real!

Y/n: Alright Dearie. My bones aren't brittle so try and go all out okay?


We trained for a few hours and he was finally able to get it down

I went to do a left jab and he grabbed my wrist, bringing my arm over his shoulder and pulled down very quickly, breaking my arm

Y/n:AH! Son of taint!

Jaune:I'm sorry!

Pyrrha:Jaune what did you do!?

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