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     ROSEY WENT STRAIGHT to school the next day, with Lenora of course. Both had been dropped off after breakfast by Arvin, who would also be there to pick them up at the end of the day. He didn't plan to let Rosey go home until her uncle was black out drunk again, he actually planned to sneak in and garb some of her stuff so she could stay at his home instead. Rosey had no idea of his plan.

The school day went by pretty smoothly, she had the odd comment from her bullies who usually talked about her uncle abusing her, she didn't know how that got out but every time she denied it, the bullying would get worse. She ignored them instead and went on with the day, math, English and so on, at the end of the day she waited for Lenora and when she saw the girl, she grabbed her wrist and tried to get out as fast as she could.

But that didn't happen, the trio of bullies, Gene Dinwoodie, Tommy Matson and Orville Buckman, grabbed Lenora and Rosey, bring them outside and around the back of the school. One held onto Rosey as the other two threw Lenora to the ground, the girl tried to remain strong by standing back up but she was forced to stay on her knees. Rosey watched as she placed her hands together to pray while one of the boys grabbed her hair.

"You're so damn ugly, I'd need a sack over your head just to get a hard-on."

The one holding Rosey smirked. "Don't need one for this pretty little miss."

"This one probably fucked her brother. You fucked your brother didn't you."

"And you've fucked your uncle."

Rosey struggled against the boy just as the other two placed a bag over Lenora's head. Arvin came around the corner, wondering where the two had gotten to, only to find them being harassed. He ran toward the three boys and attacked the one holding Rosey, who let go of her just before he was knocked to the ground. Rosey ran over to Lenora, knocking Tommy out of the way and ripping the bag from Lenora's head.

Rosey turned back around to see Gene and Orville holding Arvin down while Tommy kicked him. They gave him one last punch in the face before leaving the three, Rosey kneeled beside Arvin and looked at his face, his nose was bleeding. She and Lenora helping Arvin up and they got to the car, Rosey drove to allow Arvin to get back in the right mind.

They drove to the church where Lenora's mother and Rosey's parents were buried. It was like a ritual for Lenora to visit her mother everyday after school, Rosey would go sometimes, mainly on holidays to see her parents who were buried side by side. Rosey and Arvin left Lenora by her mothers grave while they stood at Rosey's parents graves.

The teen girl looked down at the graves but only for a few seconds before looking over at the older teen who was brooding a little. She noticed that his nose was still bloody and she walked over to him, pulling out a handkerchief.

"Arvin?" She motioned to his nose and he sighed, allowing her to clean him up. "It was sight you didn't end up in the hospital."

"Ain't I handsome anymore?" He joked.

Rosey pulled her hand away and took a seat on the ground, Arvin soon following. "Like that will ever happen."

"I told you and Lenora not go wondering behind the school. Fuckin' Gene Dinwoodie."

The girl placed her hand on his. "We didn't. They dragged us out there, but if you weren't there, I don't know what would have happened."

A silence came over the pair as they heard the distance praying of Lenora. Rosey placed a hand on her father's grave and a question came to her mind, one she had never asked Arvin before and never planned to. But she decided she would now.

"You ever think about your daddy?"

Arvin looked at the girl. "No, I know what my daddy did." he spoke, remembering when his dad killed his own pet to try and save his mother who died anyway.

"I'm sorry for bringin' up." Rosey mumbled.

Arvin placed his hand on Rosey's but didn't look at her. "It's alright."

The two sat in more silence, Rosey let out a content sigh and closed her eyes, feeling the soft breeze hit her face. Arvin looked at the girl and couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked, she was always beautiful even when she had just woken up and her hair was a mess. He noticed from the corner of his eye, Lenora begin to pack up her things. He nudged Rosey, who instantly knew it was time to leave, she stood up with the help of Arvin and made their way to the younger teen.

"Lenora! Arvin! Lily-Rose!" The preacher called out to the teens.

The three were confused but walked towards the man, standing just out side of the church as he began to explain what was happening. "I might be gone a while." He coughed.

"I'll be praying for ya." Lenora said as she helped him down the stairs.

"In the meantime, my sister's boy from down in Tennessee is gonna come up and take my place. He just graduated from one of them Bible Collages. Well, I would appreciate it if you all would try and make him feel welcome. Tell your grandmama I'm asking folks to bring a dish next sermon."

Lenora nodded. "Of course."

"And Lily-Rose." He turned to the blonde teen. "Bring that delicious banana bread, please."

The teen nodded. "Sure I will."

BY THE TIME DINNER CAME AROUND, Rosey was going to head home but Arvin stopped her and told her about his plan. Like she did a while go when he first offered the idea, she told him no and that she couldn't leave her childhood home with that man. So she headed home, preparing herself for a harsh beating.

She closed the door as quietly as she could when she arrived home and tried to sneak into her room, of course this didn't happen and her uncle appeared in her bedroom door way. Rosey shrunk back and stared at the ground but nothing was said.

Her uncle sighed. "I said I wanted to see you before you went to school today, I didn't see you."

"I'm sorry, I must have fallen asleep." She lied convincingly.

"You're sleeping with that Russell boy, ain't you?"

Rosey shook her head. "No."

Her uncle rolled his eyes. "Don't you lie to me girl. I want you out of this house, don't want no whore in here."

"This is my home!" Rosey yelled at him, standing up for herself for the first time. "You came in here and took everything!"

The girl was suddenly on the ground with a burning pain in her left eye, she looked up to see her uncle stood over her, his hands balled into fists. "I said get out."

Rosey stood and shoved her way into her room, grabbing some of her clothes along with personal items and some cash she had hidden from her uncle who would have used it to buy more alcohol. She walked past the living room to see him kissing the third girl he had brought home this week, she scoffed and left the house, looking back for only a second to remember all the times she had with her father, she would get that home back one day.

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