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Mayo got knocked out by those assholes. Gwen laughed and said it's not nap nap time. Gwen ordered Tobi to throw some cold baby blood on Mayo. Mayo still didn't wake up. "Fuck I think we killed them" Tobi said. Tobi put on a crusty brown glove and reached down Mayo's throat to feel their heartbeat. "Hey hey they're alive" Tobi said. Gwen was relieved because she didn't wanna hide another body today.

A few hours later Mayo woke up to be in a bathroom. Mayo heard footsteps and that made them panic. The door opened and it was Gwen. Gwen smiled and said "now that you're awake you can clean my 1 million dollar bathroom." Mayo nodded so they wouldn't get beaten again by the meanie. Gwen left after she gave Mayo a toothbrush and a jug of milk. Those were their cleaning supplies...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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