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Mayo had arrived at the mansion. Gwen was probably one of the richest people in the world. Even the orange is scared of their money and power. Mayo came up to the gates, they looked like dog shit. Like why would you choose this gate design when you have about a million other options. Tobi met them at the gates, Tobi looked kinda mad, I wonder who shat in his shoe today. Tobi grabbed Mayo's shirt collar, and lifted Mayo off their feet. Yes, Tobi is buff. Why else would he be Gwen's bodyguard?

Tobi carried Mayo inside the mansion. Mayo almost fucking died from choking. Tobi threw Mayo to the ground, causing them to land on their knees. There was a throne in front of Tobi and Mayo. It slowly turned around like a hairdressers chair. Then Mayo saw her. The richest, most powerful, and most scary person Mayo has ever seen. It was Ms.LemonBread. Gwen laid her eyes on Mayo. Gwen said "I suppose you're here to give me my dog back, huh?" Mayo replied with a yes. "Well, what are you waiting for? Give me the dog!" Gwen said in an annoyed voice. Mayo reached in their back pocket and pulled out the corpse of Gwen's dog. Gwen ordered Tobi to get some flex tape. Gwen wrapped the decaying dog in the tape. And then Gwen asked for the jar of children's tears. She dropped a tear on the dog and then the dog opened it's crusty eyes. The dog saw Mayo and then told Gwen in a loud voice "Mayo thinks you're a noob" Gwen got up from her throne and started kicking the shit out of Mayo, Tobi joined in. Mayo could hardly breathe but who cares about that tho.

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