Keith caught it and slid the backpack strap on his shoulder. He went to his bed to put on his red converses. "My mom isn't home and my big brother is sleeping, so be quiet." Keith said and got up from his bed and walked to his room door. Lance nodded and floated to his side using his powers.

Keith looked at Lance and shook his head, "No powers either." He glared at the demon. Lance let out a dramatic gasp and held his hand on his chest as if he was wounded. "Do you know wh-!" Keith covered Lance's mouth as he heard his brother's door open. Keith shoved Lance back into the room and heard the demon yelp.

"Damn rude." Lance grumbled as he rubbed his head. He heard voices behind the door. He heard a deeper voice and he knew that was Keith's brother. He heard a door close a few minutes later. Keith quickly open his room door and grabbed Lance's wrist and bolted out the house.

"Geez, Keith!" Lance shouted as he snatched his wrist away from him. Keith breath heavily, "I didn't want to bump into my brother again." He panted.

Lance rubbed his wrist and looked around. "Why the flim flam is your world so bright now?" He looked around clearly astonished about how the world had brightened over the years. "It's always been like this." Keith shrugged and started walking. Lance followed and took note of the different radiant colors.

"About the contact." Keith said randomly as he looked on his phone. "Oh yeah." Lance held a finger as he remembered. "Since you summoned me, I'm your servant for two weeks because you let your blood drip two times. You can't get rid of me until I finish the two weeks. We are bonded by a chain that is only visible to us." Lance explained and a golden chain appeared on his and Keith's wrist.

Keith looked at the chain in shock. "I-I didn't ask for this though!" He argued. Lance rolled his eyes. "Your fault not mine and how did you summon me anyway?" Lance asked. "My friend found a demon summoning book on the dark web." Keith answered, still looking at the chain. Lance facepalmed himself and grumbled demonic curse words under his breath.

"You kids these days." Lance sighed. Keith rolled his eyes and kept walking. "You do know that the teachers are gonna give you a schedule." Keith looked at Lance.

"Oh, I know." Lance waved him off, "I already got it covered." He smirked. Keith eyed him for a bit not really trusting what he meant by that, but he didn't think about it too much because obviously he didn't care. "Why are we even walking? I can just teleport us there." Lance groaned as he can feel his feet aching. "You're a human, and humans can't teleport. Besides, we're walking with two close friends of mine." Keith answered. Lance cocked a brow and didn't ask any further questions.

Lance watched as Keith stopped at a stop sign and leaned on the wall. Lance looked around, "What the fuck are we doing here?" He asked.

"I told you, I'm walking with two close friends of mine, chill." Keith rolled his eyes and went back on his phone. Lance groaned and leaned on the wall that is further away from Keith. The chain glowed and pulled Keith towards Lance. They both fell with a thud on the hard concrete. Keith and Lance both groaned in pain.

"Oh, who's he?"

Keith sat up and turned to look at the owner of the voice. He saw a curious Hunk and a nonchalant Pidge. "Can you get off me now?" Lance said with his voice straining. Keith rolled his eyes and got off Lance. "This is Lance." Keith said mellowly, "Lance, this is Hunk and Pidge."

Pidge stared at Lance and looked him up and down. "Never seen him before." She said with a brow cocked. "He's the stupid demon that came out of the summoning thing." Keith said as he pointed at Lance.

Lance placed a hand on his chest. "Well, fuck you too then Kogane." He retorted and crossed his arms.

Keith sighed. Pidge walked over to Lance and examine his figure. "He can't be a demon." She walked around him and took note of his outfit and the way he stood. "He doesn't have a body of one." She says dryly.

"That is just rude!" Lance defended. "I just changed how my body looks so humans won't freak you pint size gremlin!" He stuck his tongue out at the short girl. Which earned him a kick in the shin. Lance yelped in pain and hopped up and down hugging his leg.

"Pidge be nice." Hunk said as he comforted the lanky demon. "How come Hunk is nicer than both of you!" Lance yelled. Pidge and Keith snickered and started walking around from the two boys. Hunk started to follow, but Lance stopped him. "Wait for it." He whispered to Hunk.

As Pidge and Keith kept walking the chain glowed which caused Keith to be forcefully dragged back to Lance in a matter of seconds. Lance wasn't prepared for the impact so they both fell backwards and landed on the concrete again. They both groaned in pain again as they heard Pidge laughing and Hunk hastily asking if they were okay. Lance knew today was going to be hella troublesome if they have separate classes.

A/N: Part 2 is done!

Words: 1599

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