As I watched the boy known as Natsu, his friend looked at me then shook his head. 'Nice try, I've been at this before, your going to try and embarrass me in front of the whole school. But I don't even eat with people around so you wont be able to find me.'

As class started I introduced myself again without showing my face and started to walk back but Natsu's foot was in the way so instead I jumped over his foot and whispered 'red head'. Natsu then looked at me with anger in his eyes and he scoffed 'It's salmon' Once I got back to my seat in the back, Natsu and his friend were talking and was looking at me. As I turned away I put my head down to look like I was sleeping but I was crying. I don't know why I was crying, it just came over me and I just let it out. After class I ran out of the classroom before anybody could get to me and I stopped where there was only a few people and walked with my head down.

"Did you hear that the new girl back talked the number one bad boy Natsu?!"

"Does she have a death wish or something?!"

"I know right! If I ever see her I will kill her for talking back to the number one bad boy and soccer player!"


As I walked by the three girls I stopped when they mentioned soccer and they walked away to lunch. 'So, there is a soccer field?' I turned around to go outside to find the soccer field and once I found it I felt at ease. Looking around, I didn't see any window's or people anywhere so I took my hood off, put my hair up and changed shoes. I went over to my bag and grabbed my personal soccer ball that I've had sense I can remember and put it down. Taking a deep breath I started to practice on my moves and just taking my mind off everything. Playing soccer was my peace, my only way to get out of the world and do what I truly love.


"I can't find her anywhere."

"Where could she be!"

As I looked around the cafeteria, the hooded girl was no were to be seen. Just then Gray went towards the window and try to look outside.

"Why don't we look outside Natsu, it's clear she's not in here flames for brains."


As we walked outside we where about to give up looking and head back but a blond head caught my attention from the corner of my eye. As I looked to see who it was I couldn't make it out. So I went behind a tree to see that she was playing soccer and she was really good too. As I went to get a closer look I stepped on a twig  and she stopped in her tracks. She turned around and saw me, once she knew I was here she took her bag and ball than ran away.

"Good job Flame for brains you scared her off."

"Shut up Ice stripper!!!"

As I ran after her, I lost her in the front of the school. As I stood there out of breath, I heard other footsteps coming closer towards me.

"What happened Natsu, ANSWER ME!!!"

"Calm down Erza, give him a chance to answer"

"Thanks Mira, I was just trying to catch this random girl that was on the soccer field."

"And, what does that have to do with you running after her?"

"She was really good, I just wanted to see who she was."

"Well, for now we'll keep our eyes out."

"You weren't trying to ruin the new girls life by any chance there right Natsu?"

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