5. I Wanna Be Adore(d)

Start from the beginning

"No, my wife and I actually went our separate ways..." he admitted, his tone dropping from one of cheery happiness to melancholy. Allison and Adore stiffened at his admission and at the grimace that crossed his face, with Allison now avoiding Adore's fierce gaze that was now fixated on the side of her face.

"Oh, you were married?" Adore questioned. It wasn't that she was particularly put off by the notion of dating a man who had been previously married, many in the wizarding world rushed into weddings for fear of imminent death at Voldemort's hand. But Adore had a strong feeling this divorcee was one that was struggling to let go.

"Yeah, for three blissful years," he sighed wistfully, staring off into the distance behind Adore as she practically watched the memories unfold in his mind. "Then one day she just woke up and decided she was no longer happy. I still don't understand it to this day."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that?" She responded, accidentally wording her reply as a question as she suddenly felt massively awkward.

"Anyway, that's the past," he waved off, much to her relief. "Tell me about you, what do you do?"

"I'm a Quidditch player actually," she revealed, which he had the good grace to seem impressed by. "A beater for Puddlemere United."

"A Quidditch player! Now that's something you don't hear every day!" He exclaimed with amazement, but all of a sudden his momentary astonishment fell as he seemed to recall something Adore truly did not wish to hear about. "My wife loved Quidditch. She always asked me to take her to games but I didn't, thinking back on it maybe I should have..."

Adore could do nothing but smile falsely, leaning to the left slightly so she could murmur out the side of her mouth to her best friend.

"I hope you get the sexual experience of a lifetime tonight, because it'll be the last night you spend alive," she threatened whilst still plastering a grin across her cheeks, her words eliciting a forced chuckle from Allison.

"I'll pay your rent this month for this. I didn't think he still loved her," Allison whispered back while Nigel was distracted with ordering a bottle of wine for the table. "It's kind of funny."

"I hope you'll be as amused in the morning when I Cruciatus your arse back to Wales," Adore muttered before leaning back in her seat as Nigel called upon her, asking if wine was alright. Heck, if she was going to be stuck with the Desperate Divorcee sitting across from her for the next few hours, she was at least going to get totally sloshed. "Brandy instead, please."

☽ ☾

Adore swore to Salazar that attending Professor Vector's arithmancy classes at Hogwarts was less soul-destroying than the double date she was currently unable to get out of. An hour had passed since it's commencement, and she couldn't get a single sentence out without having it remind poor Devon of his estranged ex-wife. She had given up on pleasantries long ago, and was now settling for staring blankly at the man, hoping he'd get the hint.

It didn't help that Nigel and Allison were getting on like a house on fire next to them, and that she could see from her angle that her friend would often slither her leg up her date's calf underneath the table and watch him shiver with pleasure. And to top it all off? For the first time since she had first visited the establishment, the restaurant didn't have any brandy left. These truly were desperate times.

And that was exactly how Oliver Wood found her. He had been utilising the restaurant's newly available takeout service when he saw her flaming red hair from the corner of his eye. It appeared from a distance that she was on a date with either her boyfriend or potential boyfriend, but judging by the sour expression she wore he hoped that it was the latter, for the poor man's sake. He allowed himself a chuckle while he waited against the bar for his food to be prepared, grinning with amusement when he saw that she didn't even bother answering when he spoke to her directly about something.

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