Inside Rachels Glasses

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(Inside of Rachel's Glasses)

Beep: huh!? Where am I ?

Organizer Rachel: (humming)

Beep: there's a Rachel inside Rachel's glasses?!

O. Rachel: (notices Beep) oh Beep! Glad to see you! Inside the glasses..... hmmm should I file you?

Beep: huh?! No, don't file me!

O. Rachel: hahahaha!! Just kidding! So what'cha doing here anyways?

Beep: I am just looking for the real Rachel's Apple Watch..

O. Rachel: oh okay! It's not in File S just a bunch of spears, not in File F oh! You mean Watch! Maybe it's in File W! And it should be riiiiiiiight here!!!

(Her Apple Watch isn't there)

O. Rachel: I said it was just here...unless some other me took it....(she's lying)

Beep: what?! There's more of you in here?!

O. Rachel: huh!? No no! Not here...but not so sure of that...I'm a pro of being organized! And being a nerdy leader of 342A! That's why a nerd should be careful of her stuff! When they needed to be put away...

Beep: well if one of those Rachel's took the Apple Watch. Can you tell me where to find her?

O. Rachel: oh you don't want to go there Beep
It's a big mess. Let's just stay here and gaze open the things that are organized in alphabetical order....

Beep: c'mon! I can handle it!

O. Rachel: (sighs) alright... don't say I didn't warn you....

(O. Rachel teleports Beep to her glasses which brings her back in time when Rachel was a recruit of the old 341B)

Beep: this is doesn't look like a looks like the past....

(Past Rachel sobbing in distance)

Beep: huh!? Is that Rachel crying?! I better ask her...

(Beep walks towards Past Rachel)

Beep: hey uh Rachel inside Rachel's inside Rachel's glasses are you upset about the missing Apple Watch situation?

P. Rachel: (sobbing) no it's your mom... she's giving birth to you already!! What was she thinking?! She can't have a daughter!

Beep: this is awkward...

Rachel: (sobbing) what am I gonna do when she's already a mom?! I'm going to lose her! Just as I lost my—- what was that again?

Beep: your Apple Watch?

P. Rachel: MY APPLE WATCH!!! (Sobbing)

Beep: Rachel! It's going to be okay! Well you set me up here! I can help you find it!

P. Rachel: I think I know where it's probably where I lost everything else...

(Past Rachel teleports Beep inside Rachel's glasses glasses again... it was the year when Ms. Brianna got shattered..... but the remaining was Bea, Thomas, Vee, Jazz, and Steven)

Beep: whoa this is ominous....
(Walks but slips) woah!! (Trips) ouch...

(Beep she's the shattered hearts)

Beep: GAH!!!  Better not turn out that her Watch is in her pocket... maybe she lost left in her room, or under her bed or something...seems like she's revealing something to me....

(Sees Past Rachel in her war clothes)

Beep: Rachel?! I mean Rachel inside Rachel's inside Rachel's inside Rachel's inside Rachel's glasses... is this really about your watch or not?!

P. Rachel: (tears up) the only ones left... is us...
The rest were all leaving... we thought we were winning but no...there was a bright light.... why did I do it...

Beep:  what's going on!? Why can't you just tell me?!

P. Rachel: (nods a no)

(P. Rachel teleports Beep inside Rachel's glasses again... )

(A loud bang)

(Beep sees her mom shatter Ms. Brianna)
(Bea cries)

Beep: mother?! I thought this was Rachel's...
What are doing here?

(Bea removes her face it was a maskcot! Rachel was wearing it!)

Beep: (gasps) i knew it.... you did shatter her...


(Spoilers: Ms. Brianna is alive but you are not gonna believe what's gonna happen next)

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