Chapter 17

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The flight went on for a couple of hours now. You've been on the plane for two hours and you still anxious. You have a couple more hours to go until you make it there. You start to get bored once again, so you take out your phone. You decide to watch a movie. The movie of course was horror themed because you just love horror movies. You just pick a random movie and start to watching it.
When it ended, you check the time.
"Only an hour left," you think to yourself getting excited. You just can't wait any longer. The anxiety is killing you at this point.
You decide to read a book to make the time pass by. You don't really read that often so you just chose a random book to read on your phone.
Later, you here the pilot "Okay ladies and gentlemen, we have reached Ohio."
You did it. Seven hours of anxiety and you did it. You get out of your seat and get off the plane. You text Mark "Hey I just landed, are you at the airport?"
He texts back almost immediately "Yes I'm here."
"Ok, I'll see you in a few."
You go to where the bags are. It takes a minute, but you find yours. When you grabbed it, you look around to see if you can find Mark through all the people. You don't see him. So you decide to make your way to the front of the airport. You think that you will see him on the way.
You get to where all the people are buying there tickets. You don't see anything, until you look strait ahead. You see a sign. You see a whit sheet of paper being held up. It says "My one and only Internet best friend."
You couldn't see who was holding it because you were about twenty feet away, and the sign was covering the persons face. Until they start lowering the sign, away from their face. You first see a mass of black hair on the persons head before the sign was lifted all the way down. But when it was lowered all the way down, it revealed a man with glasses and a big smile. Your stomach drops, and a smile just as big as his appears on your face. You run as fast as you can strait to him. You jump hugged him with your feet dangling of the ground and your head on his shoulder.
"I'm here Mark."

Miracles (Markiplier x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat