"Oi oi" lou said as he greeted us everyone laughed and had a couple drinks

"Baby" I said

"Mmm" she said as she tuned around to face me while taking a sip of her drink and swirling it in her mouth

"You look nice" I said as I lay my hand on her thigh

"Okay!" She said as she turned away

"Can we go home??" I asked her my lips by her ears while I moved my hand further up her thigh

"I'm kinda busy" she said as she grabbed my hand and held it and then went back to talking to Perrie ahhh this was killing me

We were not even in the club long and Jade was already tipsy let me rephrase that I was tipsy she was drunk , after chatting for a bit and having a couple more drink , a very familiar figure came up and I was right

"Jadey!!" He exclaimed and Jade jumped up from beside me

"Jed!!" She said as he hugged her

"Ohh Elliott!!" Perrie said as they fist bumped Jade introduced everyone to everyone one he smiled at me and extended his hand , I rejcted it lou nudged me so I grabbed it and everyone went back to their conversations

I looked over to see that Jed was still here and he had his arm around Jade's waist practically resting on her bum and she didn't even bother to do anything

He said something and she smiled and him , and then covered her face and buried it into his chest

"Calm down haz!!" Perrie said as she grabbed my hand I hadn't noticed that it was a fist now white I let go of it and looked up to see Jade was missing so I got up to go look for her

I literally ran around everywhere looking for her but ended up bumping into someone else

Sorry" I said I looked to see camille my ex

"Harry!!" She said as she hugged me I looked up and saw Jade looking at us

"How are you love??" She asked as she draped her hands over my shoulders

"Ummm I'm good" I said pulling her close

"What are you doing??!?!?" She asked

"Go with it " I said and she turned around and started grinding on me I looked at Jade and she walked around the corner revealing her back tattoo

"Thanks cami" I said kissed her cheek and walked past her I turned the corner and I swear my blood boiled

Jade was pushed up against the wall with jed standing in front of her I didn't like this one bit not how close they were , nothing I looked at Jade and she winked at me before licking her lower lip I made my way to them and pulled Jed away

"Back off man!!" I said

"Whoa I don't want trouble" he said putting his hands up he said goodbye and left wise chap he knows to stay away from trouble , I turned my attention back to my girlfriend who's shamelessly smirking

"What are you doing??" I asked as I grabbed her hand and pulled her along with me

"What do you mean??" She asked trying to be innocent

"Jade c'mon what is all this??" I asked as we walked to the exit and got into a cab and went home , I texted Perrie telling her to get our things that we left we only grabbed our phones

The second we walked through the door she pulled off her heels and threw them to the side of the room and then lay on the sofa so I could see her perfectly toned chest and stomach

"What's wrong??" I asked because she was pouting

"Nothing" she said turning away so she wouldn't meet my gaze

"Jade" I said as I turned her face to me

"What??! Now you care??" She asked and I looked at her confused

"So I need to be drunk and with an ex to get your attention??" She asked and then it hit me

You were trying to turn me on and get me jealous wasn't you??" I asked as I pulled her onto my lap

"Harry sto-

"Tell me the truth we can end this torture" I said cutting her off she looked at me and her eyes trailed to my lips and back to my eyes while she bit her lip

"C'mon!!" I said as I picked her up and took her to bed

"Your the worst" she said as I lay her down

"Me??" I said as i took of my blazer

"Yeah , you started this!! With the grinding" She said

"Oh I forgot about the shower this morning was that me fault too??" I asked as I slipped her dress off

"Again your fault!!" She said and I trailed my hands down her sides and she filched at my touch goosebumps showing

"All's fair in love and war" I said as I kissed her neck

"If you want it all you need to do is ask" I said as I trailed kisses lower down her neck

"I can do without it not so sure about you" she said looking up at me

"Okay then let's go to sleep" I said as I got up but she grabbed my hand

"Harry!!" She groaned I smiled and crashed my lips on hers she smiled because she knew she had my attention now

"All's fair petal , All's fair!!" I said and Yeah you know how it goes

Stay tuned guys
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